When a woman shits, while you are eating her ass
“Dude this chick rusty beavered my ass last night.” “ I’m gonna give you a rusty beaver.”
The act of taking a deep breath and blowing it into the vagina during oral sex then release, the sound created mimics the queef but trumps it in comparison.
Adrian woke up the entire house performing the Beaver call on his old lady last night.
A racist school in the town of East Liverpool, where staff only care about kids with known last names. They think they're better than everyone but we all know your parents are paying of lifetime debts. Where do they get all this money from? working a minimum wage?? They all either date or cheat on each other. They suck at sports and think it'll get them somewhere in life. This school acts like they have so much money but cant even afford proper air conditioning? Very egoistical. Kids there smell like shit. White ass school. 90% Country kids, Other 10% are white kids who think they're gangbanger then proceed to go home to a 5 bedroom 4 bathroom house.. The administrator do not care about the poc students, if you aren't white you aren't shit. Most of the students there are ugly as fuck even the popular ones. Basic with no personality. Has the worst environment and always smells like sewage. Grossssssssssssssss
Oh you go to Beaver Local? That racist ass school??
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A babby, he’s adorable.
Touch him or hurt him and your d e a d t o m e
The baby beaver wrapped himself with toilet paper
An aggressive vaginal discharge of an unnatural nature
Oh my god grandmas room was fucked up after that beaver spout accident
Takin a fat rip off a vape pen that’s been shoved into an asshole
Dude, You ripped a sick beaver hoot out of Tracy’s asshole
Birk the idiot
A classmate who has big teeth
Yo wassup birk the beaverq§wes