(Noun) - Pronounced "Boot Thock"
The loop of material on the top back of a boot's heel, often used to assist in pulling the boot onto the foot. There are many types of Thocké, the Boot Thocké is just one example.
"Hey, check out my Boot Thockés."
The supreme saying that goes above all others, no one quite understand it's true meaning but "ay"
Me: boot shitily
Person: :/
Friend: ;)
An affectionate albeit almost unimaginable nickname used by Vladimir Putin’s many lovers, due partly to his own fantasy of himself as Puss in Boots due to his lifelong use of trickery and deceit to gain power, as well as due to his endless obnoxious and uncontrollable farting which has always been a huge part of his seductive persona.
Oh my dearest Poots in Boots, won’t you just once take those miserable old jack boots off when we’re in bed together and what on earth is causing you to fart endlessly in that terrible manner?
Soldiers must dig a 12" cat hole with their entrenching tool to defecate in the woods. When you drop a turd too long and hard for the cathole you dug for it, it inevitably topples sideways onto your boot.
Q: Did everything come out all right?
A: it was a real boot slapper
one who walks slowly, one who never travels, one who stands still
That old man is such a led boots.
Verb: To have fun or be generally excited while wearing your boots. Not to be confused with regular goofin'; which can be done without wearing your boots.
"Look at megan having fun out there on the dance floor in her boots. She's boot goofin'"
"Cowboy boots are useless on icy sidewalks, you need a pair of City boots"