Half-first cousin’s grandchild.
My half-first great-cousin-nibling is a good person.
First cousin's great-grandchild.
My first great-great-cousin-nibling is a good person.
Tenth-cousin-five-times-removed (10C5R).
My tenth-cousin-5X-removed is a good person.
27th July.
just fucking do it
hey it’s national stab your cousin day what do we do.
Just stab you least favourite cousin.
It is a experience and new family made by my 77 family cousin. I think I have 3 rich cousin at Afghanistan maybe but I don't know.
I think I have 3 rich Afghanistan cousin but not sure about that.
Second-cousin-five-times-removed (2C5R).
My second-cousin-5X-removed is a good person.
Seventh-cousin-twice-removed (7C2R).
My seventh-cousin-2X-removed is a good person.