A term created by Dankpods describing his female pet python named frank.
Can also describe any snake or other reptile thag is long and not very intelligent
A person who is very book smart, but has little to no common sense
One who typically speaks in an arrogant manner, predominantly towards shwacks, but is ignorant towards his or her incompetence and narcissistic tendencies.
The term was coined by philosopher Dan Taylor, and has been agreed the term arose during the early 21st century by several academic communities.
I just got a 14 on you, ya fucking dick idiot.
I said I wanted the orange flavor of Cariboo, ya fucking dick idiot.
Whose the fuck is the dick idiot who shwacked up this box-box?
If I wanted a dick idiots opinion about the piece, I would've asked you.
Fuck, let me piss out my cock and have a dart first, ya dick idiot.
Ya dick idiot.
1. Having the desire to shop for something that you can’t afford or not ready to purchase. Usually a large ticket item.
2. Purchasing something that you should have never purchased.
1. Wow!! I can’t believe they asked me to show them that house, they just lost their jobs. Fuck man, they must have Idiot Fever.
2. I can’t believe I bought that watch for $4000. I must have had Idiot Fever.
A person that updates their facebook status with information readers know to be untrue, overtly obvious, or showing a lack of common sense.
"Stacy's facebook status says she's got a paper due today that she completely forgot about."
"Hmm. At the party last night she kept complaining about having to write it."
"What a status idiot."
Errol apparently stays to himself at first,but we all know it's a front LOL
This man tells more lies than prince Andrew and simply doesn't know how to stay to himself.
He seems to be the perfect magnet for
desperate WOMEN/ YOUNG girls with low self esteem or DADDY issues. He lets them into his place under the guise of mentoring them,but it never happens the way they think 😂
A(Confidence Trickster) who's behavior could be misconstrued as some varying degree of a pedophilic tendency. Errol carries on regardless not seeing his own wrongs,but quickly deflects from this behavior. When did the Mentor start to fuck the Mentee? Of course he can teach you a lot like how quickly he can remove your underwear LOL
These Women/Young girls become bitter very quickly when contact ceases between them & their OLD Fuck buddy thinking it could go on for ever. One day he meets the(ONE)settles down then things change,but instead of being happy for him & his wife they continue posting.
Guess they'll never meet their own Errol & jealousy weighs heavy on the mind
Errol the idiot will never learn
A group of people trying to work together as a team but failing miserably because they are each so obsessed with their own goals that their failure is worse than if they were alone. Like an orchestra of people with no conductor, no sheet music and none of them know how to play their instruments but they are intent on playing as hard as they can. Opposite of synergy. The sum of the parts is less than one of the parts.
I had no idea just how obsessed they were and the extreme obsession with what they were trying to do but how badly they failed. It was a band of idiots.