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The last 10% is 90% backwash

A phrase conveying the idea that the last 10% of a drink is comprised of 90% backwash.

Bro 1: Dude, you can't leave a wounded soldier on the table.
Bro 2: No bra, The last 10% is 90% backwash anyway. There's basically no beer in there.

by Nrbelex September 27, 2010

Last Cup Syndrome (LCS)

When you are struggling to hit that last cup in beer pong

Alright, time to get over last cup syndrome (LCS) and end the game.

by pizzo91 September 18, 2010

Last Tower Battles Video

April fools

Last Tower Battles Video | Loadout Challenge #55 ROBLOX

by Can I Log In April 2, 2019

What is Obama's last name

Sadly the humanity will never know this or will we?

1st guy: Sup bro, hey do you know what is Obama's last name?
2nd guy: Yes its...Ohh shit

by Mining bot March 27, 2021

2๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

nice guys finish last

The idea that if you are nice to a girl, compliment her, tell her how amazing she is everyday, and really just genuinely show her how incredible she is everyday, that you will never get her to love you. Sadly, this is more than true in most cases. You know when you love this girl, and you're always there for her no matter what, and she always goes for the assholes that cheat on every girl they date and treat them like shit? Yea, thats cause your the nice guy. However, there is nothing wrong with you at all, and the truth is that it is her loss.

Why do nice guys always finish last? Because they put their girlfriend first..

Colin: Hey man, why wont she date you instead of going off with some other douche who never pays attention to her!

Kyle: I dont know man, just proof that nice guys finish last.

by Dat kid u kno June 16, 2011

2272๐Ÿ‘ 898๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Last Of Us Part 2

Sequel to the first game "The Last of Us". Made by Naughty Dog.
Criminally underrated and fanboy always cry because of the story in the beginning.

Random Guy: "The Last of Us Part 2 is so trash. How could the kill one of the best characters off like that!? WORST. GAME. EVER."
Me: "Listen here you lil shit.."

by etern4ljay June 9, 2021

91๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

nice guys finish last

Like any other stereotype, only sometimes true. Being nice isn't a bad thing, but being TOO nice is. When you're overly nice and sympathetic, you make it easy for people to walk all over you and use you. You might go out of your way just to avoid hurting people's feelings, even if what you were about to do or say didn't really have the potential to hurt. If you apply these traits to a guy interested in a girl, chances are she might not even take him seriously.

Also a nice guy might think that all he has to do is be nice to girl and give her compliments and voila, sex will fall out. If you are this guy, then yes, you will 99.99% finish last.

The nice guy is not manipulative, instead he just has no idea how dating and the world works. If he were manipulative and trying to take advantage of her, he should be called the "manipulatively nice guy" or something like that.

If the term "nice guy" only referred to guys who are respectful of women, the phrase "nice guys finish last" probably wouldn't exist.

by urbandictionaryranoutofnames July 25, 2016

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