A "holiday" that attempts to have students recognize the very people they absolutely despise.
"This World Teachers Day thing is like a holiday that honours the mini-mods of government-sanctioned concentration camps!"
It seems to be common knowledge that students act differently (or simply, worse) when they have a substitute teacher, therefore the "substitute teacher effect".
Everyone in the class behaves differently when Miss Smith is teaching.
I think it is the substitute teacher effect
A sick maths teacher tall and buff, very smart. some say he is smarter than shabaan Khan and alama spinx but nobody will know. his name has nigerian origins and means river of blessing. He is a blessing to our maths class, but not when he sets maths homework tut tut. one question well never know about sir is how many lebron jam he has on toast for breakfast.
shabaans mAths teacher is teaching us period 5 browny.
nah g he aint
yeah he is why you lying
i aint shush
when a teacher with a disability is questioned by a student with a disability on why they are teaching if they have a disability
guys get into uniform
The irrational fear of gym teachers
Why does he look so nervous around the gym teacher? I think he has gym teacher phobia
"Ayo! Your camera's off! Ayo!"
Distance Learning Teachers
You get one out of two options. A super chill nice teacher that writes easy A’s and doesn’t give much homework OR a mean teacher who gives TONS of homework every single fucking day and writes easy F’s. The second teacher isn’t liked by most people and she doesn’t care. She is just rude and expects everyone to care only about her subject. Miss girl I have different classes and a social life. I do NOT care about your 6 page class work and 5 page homework.
You: Sorry bro I have so much homework for today and I can’t go out :(
Me: It was given by a female history teacher wasn’t it
You: Yeah :(