Source Code

Baiting out

Derived from the word bait. To bait out is to become extremely scared about how bait you are being, and paranoid about getting caught. Someone who is baiting out is usualy stoned.

Joss: Shit, Police!

Ed: Joss man, stop baiting out.

by andmand May 15, 2010

12๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

queer baiting

When people in the media (usually television/movies) add homoerotic tension between two characters to attract more liberal and queer viewers with the indication of them not ever getting together for real in the show/book/movie.

"Hey did you watch the new Supernatural episode last night"

"Nah all the queer baiting in it makes me want to bash my head in. I quit watching Sherlock for that reason too."

by BustinDustin November 3, 2013

680๐Ÿ‘ 2220๐Ÿ‘Ž

Stink Bait

When you are fucking a girl doggy and you insert you finger into her asshole, then take it out and hook her in the mouth with it and pull like you are reeling in a fish.

I was hitting this chick from behind and I totally gave her the stink bait.

by Dalton616 December 26, 2009

8๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

sniper bait

Some body w/ a long ass gamer tag that shows up when ever you sweep across the screen
Also some body thet draws fire to expose sniper

Dude that guy spartan117 _cod 4 is total sniper bait I cam c his name all across the tv
Ill draw fire w/ the riot shield u kill him when u c him

by langley qqtpqert February 18, 2010

5๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bear Baiting

The method of wrapping one's finger in toilet paper and inserting into the anus in order to induce stools (bears)

"Have you seen John today"
"No he has been bear baiting for hours"
"nice, well make sure he washes his hands before cooks dinner"

by OriGamI11 August 31, 2011

7๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

queef bait

such a thing that wood make one queef

like sexin it doggy style
them yoga positions
big d***ks
tight p****es
ani other thing that could cause a girl to queef

Guy 1: man she said she's a virgin!
Guy 2: Wat!! thats queef bait right there!!

Girl 1: Man that nigga is hung!! and im tight as hell
Girl 2: haha thats queef bait gurl!!

by HeCallsMeBae March 26, 2010

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squirrel bait

testicles, nuts, balls

"Chase has some huge squirrel bait" says Kelsey S. the school whore

by ydoucare December 2, 2004

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