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Gutless Wonder

A hot-rod or car that looks high-performance and fast but is actually a very slow piece of junk.

My buddy bought an old-school muscle car that needs work. It looks great but it’s a real gutless wonder.

by April 18, 2024

Gutless Wonder

a computer PSU that is so crappy that it will likely blow up and kill all your components or start a fire

Person: What is your opinion on Diablotek and Coolmax power supplies?
Me: They're gutless wonders, get a decent unit from Seasonic, Super Flower, EVGA, ect instead.

by Lovethecreeper March 30, 2023

Stevie Wondering

The act of rubbing your face with your eyes closed against anothers face to initiate sexual activity.

While on a date, Susan was taken aback when Paul threw himself on top of her and reclined the car seat causing her to be prone. He then began Stevie Wondering her in the hopes of getting laid.

by Random Girl Thoughts June 26, 2022

Stevie Wondering

The act of one swaying their head back and fourth whilst under the influence of MDMA.

I came around the corner and saw my friend rolling so hard he was stevie wondering.

by g.eekd September 26, 2019


When used properly, a Wonderism is simultneously an active adjective and subjunctive. In Scrabble it is worth upwards of 77 points.

Time passed but her Wonderism remained fresh.

by Jenny Wonder July 15, 2018