A person how is greater then an ass hole, this is what you call that "special" friend you have
'oh Tom Your being a real cunt hole today"
Slut. Female efficiency in the art of getting laid.
My exgirlfriend is a professional cunt slinger
A massive asshole that thinks they are the shit but in reality they are just a loser with a huge ego and some fragile masculinity
Oh yea Tyler he’s a real ego cunt, he is just the WORST
Basically, a goatee. But neatly trimmed or wild, it looks like the pubes around a facial vag - hence, it's a face cunt. The expression is common slang in Germany: Gesichtsfotze.
Dood 1: bro, you are sportin' a total face cunt
Dood 2: what the fuck dood? You wanna pound that hole or what?
Dood 1: yeah, that pussy looks pretty sweet to me bro. Open wide. But keep it tight.
An infection around the genitals that looks like little trees on a cauliflower .
Dr sent Steph from quid shop to GUM for treatment. She's got cauliflower cunt . Looks like a forest the little growths look like oak trees
"Worse then "ur sister a mister
Use only if your lose depend on it
Criss: ur mom gay
Steven: ur sister a mister
Criss: your aunt a cunt
Steven burns to ashe and criss is the king of the world
Some generally named keirdyn that likes to suck big fat balls while being a bottom
That girl over there is such a fat fucking cunt, ong she’s absolute atrocious, That’s why we call her keirdyn