A shot people get in their spine that makes them want to go above and beyond the limit of 100 percent for some reason.
The mixture turned that guy/girl into an abomination.
Nah. Fuck you shit-lib stop defending the fat-cocks.
Hym "Nope. Abominations all. The Greeks were right to demonize them and I'm not gling to be one so they don't have to. Give me money and die faster."
Abomination- divergence or bastardization of the natural order, humanity or societal orthodoxy that causes feelings of digust, distate or revulsion
The Webster’s dictionary definition is an abomination to the words true meaning
A Casserole made from random and usually unfitting ingredients. It’s common for abomination casserole to be made from leftovers in the fridge. Abomination casserole tends to be made by White moms, taste bad, and at some point inedible.
Karen is bringing “Abomination Casserole” to the potluck.
Ugali and something weird
Haytham don't u know ugali and mustard is an unholy abomination