Scottish Slang (Mainly the Ayrshire and Glasgow Area) and means 'Your own Fault'
Don't try and blame anyone else its yer ane fawt you got caught
Aneli is mobile legends enjoyer he is saying sakana bagana when he loses and he is always laugh when he hear his friend joke he is good person you have to cum if you have friend like him
Guy 1:who is this?
Guy 2:That's aneli
Guy 1:is he good or bad person
Guy 2:he is a good person he is always laughing at my jokes
The act of sex while the male has two condoms on. And rams the female so hard she comes twice. Double the protection, double the fun!
Yo bro last night I used a dirty ane on my girl. She said she loved it twice.
when u do an "ane-boy", you basically bust a nut to the thiccest girl in ur class.
him 1: yo dawg, why did u take so long in the school bathroom?
him 2: sorry dawg, i had to do an "ane-boy", i couldn't hold it!
when you do an "ane-boy", you basically bust a nut to the thiccest girl in ur class.
mafald: yo dawg, why did u take so long in the school bathroom
ilyas: sorry dawg, i just had to do an "ane-boy", i couldn't hold it!
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A disease commonly known as "Arab Nose Syndrome" which affects more than 40% of Arabs worldwide.
Dude, why haven't they found a cure for ANS yet!