Source Code


A game played while smoking marijuana, the object being to hold in one hit until the other people smoking have all hit the dank and the tree has come back to you.

Pat: Dude guys, let's play some baseball.
Dom: No dude, there's five of us. My lungs will be shot!

by Pat Shay April 3, 2007

35๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž


A sport that id for fat losers that dont have enough energy to run around a lacrosse field. And is basically just an excuse to sit around and chew while wearing gay ass sun glasses. It is also the most BORING sport to watch on the face of the planet. Not to mention they are the second biggest pussies in the world second to soccer players, you got hit with a baseball big deal, try getting hit with a rubber ball filled with cement at 100mph.

" Hey look at those baseball fags"!
Baseball player1 "Hey wanna go do some chew"
Baseball player2 "Sure, can I wear my gay 5$ gas station glasses"?
Baseball player1 " sure and maybe we can have butt sex after, and talk about how much we hate lacrosse".

by LAXBRO69! September 28, 2010

56๐Ÿ‘ 76๐Ÿ‘Ž


THE WORST SPORT EVER INVENTED! go play a real mans sport like hockey or locrosse. even soccer is better than baseball at least then your not standing still for 3 hours

Dude: did you see the baseball game lastnight?

guy: no baseball is dumb, you fatty

by imtheman24 October 25, 2010

50๐Ÿ‘ 66๐Ÿ‘Ž


The most boring sport to watch, which is dominated by a handfull of juiced up, extreamly overpaid, underworked players who like to call themeselves athletes. High ticket prices and painfully predictable outcomes are often associtated with this "sport".

After taking off the kneepads Joey was granted a 50 million dollar contract to play baseball for the Yankees.

Mark got jacked up on steriods and ran out on the field to play baseball.

by Bretto2006 November 30, 2005

92๐Ÿ‘ 131๐Ÿ‘Ž


High School Baseball: the most pointless sport ever. You don't even have to be athletic to be a baseball player, you just have to be good at hitting things. Then they go around bragging about how good at sports they are. Whatever...they couldn't even run a mile if they were being chased by a hungry bear!

Baseball is for gay pansies.

by *The Boss* June 23, 2006

90๐Ÿ‘ 130๐Ÿ‘Ž


Baseball is a code word for smoking pot. It is mostly heard around the northern california area.

baseball gear = pot
how many innings you played= how many bowls youve smoked
your coach = your drug dealer

the bat= the pipe
the ball=the bowl.
are you pitching tonight=are you going to put money to buy some pot

when you are really high you say "man , i hit a home run"

and if you dont want to smoke anymore that night you say "im still too tired to play another game.. "how about we play baseball tomorrow?"

also. what color team your are in, is how you describe the wellness of the bud.

"Hey, did you want to play baseball tonight?"

"Hey, I have to stop and talk to my coach for a second, did you want to pitch at the game tonight, or what?"

"i think she hit a home run, big time"

"hey i have the ball.. do you have a bat?"

"oh, and by the way, we're on the purple team tonight"

so on.

by Mariabella August 16, 2007

34๐Ÿ‘ 44๐Ÿ‘Ž


Ok you people are morons lmao Baseball is an unathletic "sport" where a guy with a small penis uses steroids to be competetive and sits on a bench and waits for his turn to bat and then runs around a gay ass square. Anyone can do that, its not athletic at all. Track takes more talent, Soccer, Hockey, Racing, takes more talent. in baseball all you do is sit on the bench a few hours and go up to hit once then run around and around a square wtf is that??? thats why guys like Deon and Michael can go play baseball just like that, plus look at Barry Bonds that nigga cant even run a mile, Baseball is so gay you people are dumb as fuck and soccer you work way harder then gay ass Baseball, those soccer players they can fucking run all day amazing ass stamina, and they kick each other with those pumped up legs, football is hard too those players stack on top of each other and run around 50 yards really fast thats definintely more of a sport than baseball, Hockey is just as hard as football, they hit hard as fuck and there going 20 mph on the fucking ice and smash on each other, you gotta be strong for that shit, and that shit is nonstop action instead of baseball 80% of the game on the bench ROFL, and track is hard too you gotta run 5-10 miles and they can trip and have a life threatening injury. to all those stuck up kids who play baseball and say those sports are queer those sports arent queer your fucking stupid baseball is queer cause its not athletic. and NASCAR and F1, they can go in 120 degree heated cars for 4 hours and not pass out their some true athletes, I'm not saying I like Racing but racing is a sport no doubt way harder and better then baseball plus if they make a mistake they can die in an instant, so can hockey players and football players. baseball players have nothing to worry about except muscle tears cause their muscles are so god damn weak. Anyone can play baseball its that damn easy do you ever see a Baseball player with muscles? No because its not athletic. It takes no damn talent at all. Basketball, Football, Soccer, Track, Hockey, Racing etc. All of those guys have muscles except Baseball players. and FOOTBALL is America's pasttime not gay ass Baseball.

I'm sorry if I hurt all of your nerd ass feelings making you realize how gay baseball is, it's not your fault your all not good enough to play basketball, football, or hell even hockey or soccer.

by Antonio Smith June 21, 2006

118๐Ÿ‘ 180๐Ÿ‘Ž