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(v.) The act of handing in improvised work that you probably did the night before.

(n.) BS is improvised work with which the writer has no care for.

(v.) Yeah... I bullshited that essay, who cares if I fail.

(n.) This work is absolute BS, did you even care?!

by Ambassador Salazar July 11, 2008


1. When someone has no fucking clue what they are talking about, Yet insists on trying to get others to belive him/her.

Sarah - How the hell did Amanda get so popular all of the sudden?

Jenna - Oh, shes bullshitting about relationships again..

by Pacman12 August 14, 2007

378๐Ÿ‘ 97๐Ÿ‘Ž


A blatant lie, a fragrant untruth, an obvious falicy.

Or, the excriment of cattle.

"I smell something...
Is it dog? No...
Is it horse? No...
I know. Its BULLSHIT!"

Poorly quoted "Only fools and horses"

Well, the concept is right.

by pal_sch July 30, 2004

3123๐Ÿ‘ 914๐Ÿ‘Ž


Something that is able to be completed using bullshit.

That assignment was so bullshitable. I just faked a bunch of analysis and I got an A.

by Bouj November 22, 2011


To bullshit the well, shit; to have absolutely no idea what you are talking about yet convincing yourself and others that you do.

Zach: This totally blows! I only have 3 out of 5 pages I need for this essay!
Steve: Dude, you need to bullshitize two more pages and you'll be fine!
Zach: Great idea man!

by MysterySteve September 27, 2011


Something I tolerate everyday.

Friend: So, how's life today?

Me: It's bullshit, man.

by Nutella222222 January 18, 2014

40๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


1) noun. Stuff that is made up for the purpose of placating someone, or passing an exam, or getting elected to office. Most often false or ridiculous.
2) verb. To generate bullshit.
3) interjection. Accusing someone of bullshitting.
4) adjective. Identifying or suspecting something as bullshit.

In all usages, the term can be shortened to "bull" or "BS".

1) My essay was complete bullshit.
2) Man, I gotta learn to bullshit properly if I want to pass this English exam.
3) "I was sick all last week!" "Bullshit!"
4) That is such a bullshit answer.

by ThinkDifferent February 20, 2005

1546๐Ÿ‘ 507๐Ÿ‘Ž