Dirty Byrd, Formally know as Douglas Byrd High School is a High school in Fayetteville, NC is a predominantly Black School and is the ghetto-Est school you will ever see. Douglas Byrd Middle School is the “Little Sibling” to Dirty Byrd High and was given the name “Dirty Byrd Jr”. Dirty Byrd Jr. is equally as worse as Dirty Byrd High. If you want to see fights everyday at 8:00 am come on down and Join is at Dirty Byrd
Person: what school did you go to for Middle and High School?
Kid: Douglas Byrd Middle and High
Person: oh you mean Dirty Byrd Middle/High School
Kid: yea
Being conned by your children into allowing fake or nonsensical words to be used while playing Scrabble
My daughter was going to use the word 'quon' for a lot of points in Scrabble, but I didn't believe her. I must have been Byrded.
A King Byrd is someone who ruins their own life even when everyone tells them to get a hold of themself and knock that retarded shit off.
Well, looks like he became a King Byrd a flooded his own house again. Fucking retard, am I right?
"That hoe is such a byrd head. she doesn't realize that boy doesn't like her."
A school full of basic white girls
I went to CE Byrd High School, and i turned basic asf
a school full of basic white girls and random NPCs
“I went to ce byrd high school, and it turned me basic!”