A jersey compliment is When you try to say something nice but it comes out sounding like you intended to insult the other person; or
When you say something nice but you're actually insulting the person
The following would be jersey compliments: "Yo, that's the smartest thing I've heard you say, bro!" Or: love your pink shirt's popped collar, bud.
Complimenting a woman verbally on something innocent first, but then commenting on her body in your mind. Compliment her, then think about her rack, for example...
"Oh Aoife, I love your top!"
('Because it makes your tits look awesome')
or to your male friends:
"Jeez, did you see Aoife's slutty top!? I totally mister-complimented her!"
Pay a compliment: Flatter or praise to someone.
He paid her a compliment when he told her she looked like a model
A compliment you say to somebody for inderectly suggesting that you find them sexually attractive.
This term applies to comments where you intend to or accidentally hint that you think they're attractive.
"Did you see John give my wife that sluthanded compliment at dinner? He's obviously trying to be sly about making inappropriate comments toward my wife, and I will not tolerate it"
-- Self-conscious married douchebag
Example of an actual sluthanded compliment: "Hey your girlfriend's dress looks really good tonight, she could model in that, you're a lucky guy."
-- Sly and smart toolbag who clearly wants to fuck his friend's girlfriend
When you insult yourself to get other people to compliment you.
Jack: "Wow I am so fat"
Jane: "No you looks nice"
Sarah: "Stop fishin' for compliments jack"
A compliment to another person which may be sarcastic, or not, but which compliments the other. The speaker may expect a response, but the receiver usually won't comment. Similar to a rhetorical question.
(In this scenario, a kid has 68 algebra problems to do)
Dad: How many problems have you done now, son?
Kid: 23.
Dad: You're making progress!
lll an example of a Rhetorical Compliment
1. The act of engaging in anal sex whereby both people are facing away from each other, and push back and forth, using a bottle as a make-shift dildo
2. The act of being nice to a person you extremely dislike, and bitching about them to other people afterwards
Ex 1: 'Yeah man she was gagging for it, so I gave that bitch the backwards compliment'
Ex 2: 'Oh my god , Sally is so bitchy! She just backwards complimented Bridget!'