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My beautiful Empress I write this heartfelt message to let you know just how amazing
you are & every time mi tink of you mi ❤️
skip a beat mi a get all butterfly in a stomach.
Mi hope you family dem good mi member

how mi & dem use to live good no fussin

or fighting you was beautiful then too you
d a pretty smile mi would do anything to

hold you in a mi arms & by the grace of the CREATOR I will soon unless you say you don't want mi you see some people fall in LOVE & others are in LUST I av no intention of a fling
mi want you as my Wife you are the one dat

got away mi nuh shame to say it,but it caused

by a misunderstanding & JEALOUS interfering people who still nuh av no baddy,mi should a listen you what you say did true.Please forgive mi baby mi neva see it till it was too late you all ways av good intuition bout people.Member how much fun we use to av & wen mi use to touch you certain spot pon you back it turn

you on? (Mary & John)did know each odda

very well,you use to back it up pon mi especially in the RED panty no time was wrong you was Eveready.Real men don't Cheat mi Daddy tell

mi dat him say à man with low self-esteem do dem tings him with my madda still to this very day him LOVE her & him not going nowhere "what you nuh want for you self nuh give it to

a next person him all ways say"Him also said how can a man claim to hold the CREATOR in him heart & do pure Evil?🤷Such a shame

some Man nuh know when dem blessed🙏🏾💕

Baby I wanna take care of you hold you when it hurts wrap my arms round when we sleep & wake up between you legs😊

by Janet21 October 11, 2023


My Sweet Jamaican Empress I-Man miss you hope you well.Mi love all you ways 💕dat's why
mi will never try break up you & you OZBAND like some disrespectful Witch.The Bible speak bout dem & the JEZEBEL SPIRIT truly wicked & EVIL like dem tink no one don't know the mischievous cunt dem🤨wat I-Man don't get is why this fool got into you & Errol marriage in first place As to Errol well I guess he just wanted to go SNOW BUNNYING as he don't really check for dem kyna women,but he PLAYED her well. Sweetheart all men crave attention it feels good especially from some naive gyal,but here's the ting Errol had all dat at home My Empress married him & she took damn good care of him she gave him stability,but he failed he became argumentative insecure & lackluster he had it well she's a good woman with a good♥️He didn't know how to appreciate a strong woman like her especially when she calls him on him BS she can defend herself.Who the fuck are you telling people wat to do in their marriage?You is a EXPERIMENT who catch feelings after sucking chewing & licking then wish bad on another woman b/c she av someting you wanted how did it work out for you after all dat belief you

can change man? Mi would marry My Empress

in a heartbeat if she leff Errol💍👰however dem MARRIED in the eyes of THE CREATOR & dat is SACRED🙏🏾

Stay out of My Empress & Errol marriage🔥🔥🔥

by Janet21 July 12, 2023


My sweet Jamaican Empress I pray for tings to be better for you all ways. Life isn't easy best of times,but much as mi love & care for you I won't step into you marriage like a side Man mi not deluded in a anyway bout tings mi know you still with Errol who don't even deserve a inch

of you.It call being respectful of another person you care bout relationship.Nuttin to do with anyone else mind you business FIRE & stop watch dem marriage no one can stop a next person from doing right even if it's hope

Errol can tell you anyting you believe it no

one lie more than married men please don't

be so gullible.Him av issue if next man look at him WIFE no one is holding him hostage & it's not all about SEX my baby Great in bed him can't handle her😂please av some self RESPECT let dem try a 1000 times if needs be.Seven times fall Seven times rise.You are the MISTAKE dat won't go away with you bad mind we know

you don't care who life you destroy it's LUST back da fuck off.Let Errol fuck him Wife in

peace stop texting emailing The families will

be involved soon then we'll see who lying😬

Stop contacting Errol you won't be able to hide from the families & it will cause damage to everyone it can never be...

by Janet21 July 9, 2023


Good morning My Sweet Jamaican Empress may you day be filled with Love & Lite.Mi truly miss you baby it not easy wanting to touch you beautiful face be on the beach with you so much mi want to show you bout life with you in it.
I know you'll never stress mi out for you love hard no measures you a very good woman a blessing to I-Man life the times you could be out taking some nice hard 10.5inches behind OZBAND back.Him lie so much funny you meet

a man him spend time a talk how him only go out with BLACK women him don't like white WOMEN,but fool don't know own mind guess he'll use the excuse to family "justFRIENDS"Errol plan every lie for the occasion,but it soon come out.Him say stuff for attention & don't like shame,but become the worse embarrassment ever,people would turn in dem grave the way him disgusting.Errol why you still with you Wife since you such a STUD & a give fool fool gyal impression you'll be together?She don't want to see you with you Wife as it bun her 😬she do stuff tear up marriage it's the plan all.Errol you a IDIOT mi wonder how dem sleep at night?No CONSCIENCE,but surely you know it can't go nowhere family lóve you Wife very much ♥️& nah go happy finding out wat you done guarantee you dat.The shit will make dem

turn away from you & as to the fool fool gyal

we know wat you trying sweetheart Errol is a PATHOLOGICAL liar & if you believe him gonna risk losing him WIFE & family b/c of you..

Errol only get with you as he believe baby was gonna leff him🤷

by Janet21 July 9, 2023


My Sweet Jamaican Empress mi hope mi baby feel whole heap better & know no matter what appen mi nah go nowhere without you,so if mi av to stay in UK to watch over you a dat mi a do you mean everything to mi💕if only you know how much mi more than care for you,but you a the humblest woman mi ever know so it nah go to you head mi likkle Eveready🤗the big plans mi av for us the CREATOR has shown mi a lot of tings. Mi want you in a mine & mi family life.
More fool the man who don't know what him av as dem say. Mi av a friend him a married man & him tell mi how him a mess with this young gyal she convince him to tek out loan him all a pay for where she a live,but gyal nuh want him she use him she av har man aready him tink him was on cloud nine head all twist up.Him love him wife very much big mistake a try relive him youth big grey stone man almost 70 with a 26yr old dat is a disrespect to family him could a get the gyal how much time over it disgust him now almost 4yrs later? She con him up what calamity 😱man must know when dem av a genuine woman the real deal like you no pretending or FUCK bout mi know you & love you ways,at night time when mi go to bed mi pray the CREATOR reunite us if it's right...otherwise mi

av whole heap a RESPECT for you & you family dem such good people mi love dem to at least mi know if they become my in-laws mi hit the jackpot😄we all ways live good no fake shit

Errol When people can't hurt you or get what dem want dem try mashup you & family relationship sad FUCKERS really🤷

by Janet21 October 3, 2023



Sometimes in a marriage outside mf don't
know when to stay outta other people's business worse when the OZBAND is telling

lies to everyone who'll listen just for attention him don't even try to talk to him Wife bout dem problem, but drag everyone in him marital affairs simply bc he don't want to go get professional help due to him PRIDE also not being mature enough.These a the same Men who av a good Wife who took good care of

dem while holding down a job dem couldn't wait to tell Family as well Friends how happy

he is then him change bc him av freedom with her she's not an insecure woman,so let's him be him then the neglect begins he don't do his part he can't even protect him Wife from him own fuckery has no Emotional Intelligence what

so ever.Men a England are quite hostile towards dem women,it's all this shit like back in the day when women had to stay home & do everything all the man would do is come home rest eat & leave the wife to do everyting a load of shit laws from back in the day it's simple as a partner don't just wait on the woman one to do everyting & dat is what a lot of the problem is.
No man has no right to cuss or belittle his Wife

& want fight her all the time.Dat a somebaddy

to take care a you Wife Errol she a good woman start behaving youself if she can't communicate she ago walk out or worse leff you.I-Man love Empress but mi respect dat she married I'm just telling you ♥️

Errol you need to change you ways dem someting is coming!

by Janet21 July 3, 2023


My Sweet Empress baby I miss you so much

mi arms dem dying to hold you,mi find myself a fight back tears a member the last time mi see you all dem yrs ago like it wasyesterday.Even then you was the most beautiful young woman mi eye dem ever come cross🌹Mi really miss all the trips to Mobay Alligator Pond & Town with you. You so unique to other women from how you cook bake also talk.Mi nuh know no one like you❤️the way mi more than care for you if mi live to be 1,000 it nah go change.I really hope say my man a love you up the right way. Mi miss kissing you good night every night wrap you up in a mi arm tight with you thigh between mi leg nuttin nuh sweet so 🤗man must av enough emotional intelligence to get tings right mi will fight for you if him nuh act correct as a OZBAND good woman hard to find & mi will never let you go let him believe what him want tink a joke ting

mi a deal with 😬Your my Jamaican girl I-Man love you world without end❤️Soon forward Empress pure hug & kisses for you 🤗🥰

Errol Do you know what you av right there, marriage is more than ring pon finger. The Creator first big man 🙏🏾then tings run smooth
Wake up..

by Janet21 September 26, 2023