To get very high, and go to dunk n' donuts, mostly never performed correctly, Frunk N' Donuts needs to be performed in the company of a hillarious jew.
yo me and malichai were gonna Frunk N' Donuts, you wanna come?
5👍 2👎
It is a mixture of Cricket, Bowling and Dodgeball. It is a retarded game for downy cunts.
'Do you want to play Frunk Ball?'
'No, fat retard, that game is anus milk.'
Is when you look for a group of people. So you can open the hood of your Tesla to see that it's a Front-trunk or as they are called A Frunk.
When people are around I pull up and do some FRUNKING just by opening my hood
A reverse phrase for testing someone who has been drinking by seeing if they understood what you said. If they understand, they are probably drunk.
I asked Anna if she was duckin' frunk and she understood and said no, which means she was.
c-frunked is when highschoolers get drunk and baked at a party and are"trippin' balls. and have a hankerin' for some fetus cuisine.
i was so c-frunked last night, i ate a whole box of pop-tarts.
When you’re both fried and drunk, typically at a party.
At a huge party.
Person 1: hey are you drunk or fried?
Person 2: I’m both man I’m frunk as shit!