Just like Goldie Locks, you have picked the perfectly right option of your desires. Whether your preference be dating, in a relationship or simply the talking stage, it is the perfect situation you and your partner are currently in. This is Goldie Locks Zone.
Included for men and women of all ages and of all stages in a relationship. This is where you and your partner feel the most joyful and satisficed at their stage of the relationship.
Justin: So Ryan, are you and Jessica a thing now?
Ryan: Bro. We are in the Goldie Locks Zone. We are both perfectly happy in where we are in our relationship.
Beholding a face worthy of a golden shower.
Golden shower- the act of being peed on the face
Her face is Goldie worthy
The explicit act of urinating on an individual named 'Hawn' for sexual gratification - a play on the name of famous actress Goldie Hawn.
From the 2020 horror anthology, 'Scare Package.'
"Bro do you realize your girl just left with that Hawn guy who works at the video store?"
"Ahh, don't worry about them. She's got a pee fetish and always wanted to piss on a guy named 'Hawn.' I gave her the hall pass if she ever met a guy named Hawn."
"Ohhh the 'goldie hawn,' - a classic!"
A small humble person that can’t keep stop talking and is indecisive as fuck
“Did you hear Johnny talk like that? They’re really a Goldi”
When a poop is so perfect you only have to wipe once. It's not too soft, and not to hard, but just right.
I took a Goldie Log before work this morning.
The sexual act of when a person puts goldfish up their asshole so that their partner can suck or lick it out.
Damn, my girly is into real nice stuff. She had me do a goldy lickin' on her last night and it tasted fiiiiine.
A duck who talks in a childish way and is obsessed with Featherquack ( a duck she made up), slugs and babies!
Goldie: Slugs! Slugs! Slugs!
Seeda: Goldie the duck, stop being so obsessed with slugs!
Wingpond: Yes, you are so obsessed with slugs!