An arrogant egoistical person of mediocre achievements who has been labeled as “genius” through some strange circumstance, but the reverence for whom will gradually go into oblivion.
Some person: I just read this amazing 10000 page novel by blank.
Other person: what was it about?
Some person: some Czech guy’s summer in a secluded valley with a Schack.
Other person: that author must be such a Gustav Mahler.
2👍 19👎
He is a hot young man. if you find a Gustav Dieker you will fall in love with him but when you get to know him you will become suicidal.
Gustav Dieker likes to cum on the toilet and blame it on his dad
The sexual act of cunnilingus while a girl is on her period.
That girl is such a freak she asked me to give her a levamp gustav on our first date.
a person who has a middle parting that looks like "Manfred" from ice age
"john" look over there, that guy look likes manfred from ice age!
"pete" oh he must be a gustav gram
A very big gun to tell people to fuck off
That guy has a Heavy Gustav, he must be telling us to fuck off
A rather attractive man from Norway.
Gustav Sten is the man alltså.
white n swedish n shiiii
pure arian W grisch
Wow! Hes so Arian! Yet another Gustav Viggo Thunberg classic!