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tune up

To give someone an attitude adjustment by beating their ass.

Do I need to give your ass a tune up the way you were talking to my mamma?

by mouthofthesouth December 5, 2013

142๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

drop tuning

guitar tuning where the bottom string is a perfect fifth lower than the next string, enabling the guitarist to play a powerchord with only one finger. the other strings are tuned the same as standard tuning. mostly used in metal.
most common examples:
drop D: DADGBE
drop B: BF#BEG#C#
drop A: AEADF#B

drop tuning songs.
drop D-moby dick by led zeppelin
drop C-most bullet for my valentine songs
drop B-duality by slipknot
drop A-psychosocial by slipknot

by Nicolo C April 18, 2011

Tune Baked

When you're really happy usually talking to a good friend and you're listening to your highest preference of music (usually the people who feel this listen to techno music, or other really calm music such as gorillaz, some of ben folds, etc.) it's like a natural high. Same feeling as friend high.

Guy1 is listening to "o green world'-gorillaz (Status: Tune Baked)
Guy1- dude i love this elipticle
Guy2-yeah its pretty nice
Guy1- its like a mountain
Guy2-yea it..what?
Guy1- dude, look at that shadow
Guy2-im just gonna follow along

by AssassiNazi June 14, 2011

tune and a half

really good song, beyond a tune/more than a tune.

The Beatles Hey Jude is a tune and a half!

by Walrus Sleeping February 28, 2011

tune out

to ignore someone by playing music really loudly, while they are talking, to cover up the sound of their voice.

best when used during nagging sessions by parents, significant others, or just to ignore some annoying schmo.

Oh no, mom's nagging at me again..time to tune out.. *blares ipod*
*mom continues her rant unheard*

by $Lonnie F Baby$ August 22, 2010

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tunes disease

a disease sufferd by people who simply can't stop groovin'.

many times these people will be seen dancing and groovin' as they were at a Dead show. However, there is no music playing.

Did you see that hippie? He's dancing so hard he must have tunes disease.

by axlisgod1 February 3, 2011

23๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Looney tunes

Acting beyond crazy.

Chugz: What's all the fuzz about Rah dog?
Shanker: His friend K-man was literally on fire, and he tried to put it out the fire with a screwdriver....
Chugz: That's Looney tunes for ya!

by The Real Chugz July 9, 2009

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