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Indie Kid

kids who listen to indie music. generally elitist, white upper-middle class males who get pissed when anyone starts talking about music. they are obsessed with finding bands no one has heard of, only to claim they hate them once they make it big. ex: modest mouse, franz ferdinand(sp?), the shins. now only listen to music they found on purevolume.com, or college radio. they like bands like Ambulence LTD, death from above 1979, and kill hannah. but not anymore, because someone else knows about them. general attitude of punks, but less angry at the government and more angry at everyone else.

"I'm more entitled to listen to this, because i found it first. go listen to good charolette and 50 cent, you pillow biter!"

by anti May 21, 2005

63👍 109👎

Indie Kids

Indie Kids are generelly aged between 13 and early 20's. More often than not you will find they are pretensious, rude and sarcastic. This is probably because of the fact indie kids are ofen very sharp and very quickwitted. Indie kids can generally come across as pretty horrible unles you take the ime to know them. They can often be seen hanging around East London and Brighton. Then they go off and dance theyre 60s dance moves.

Many indie kids are very artsy and have intrests in things such as drawing, painting, photography, knitting, making clothes etc. All indie kids love to read and have generally read only books you've never heard of i.e A Clockwork Orange. All indie kids have read this book. And all indie kids bum this movie.

Most indie kids wardrobes are made up of Tophshop/Topman and vintage clothes from vintage shops, charity shops, their grannies closet etc. Indie girls generally either have ligh blonde, dark brown or bright red hair. They all have full bangs and they all wear headbands, either with their hair poofed up over the top or low on their foreheads. Indie guys geneally have long messy fair with long messy side fringes and look like they have never brushed it in their lifes.

Then there's the music.
All indie kids bum music WAY too hard. They have theyre MP3/IPods/Old CD Walkmans everywhere with them and are plugged into it constantly. Any indie kid can name a 1000 of theyre faivourate bands and you can gauretnee you'll never have heard of any of them. They tend to hate any band or singer that they consider mainstream (anything in the top 40)
They tend to lisen o bands from back as early as the 1960s. Typical indie kid bands include Bright Eyes, The Long Blondes, The Shop Assistants, The Who, The Beatles, The Shangri Las and The Rascals.

Basically the short of it is; indie kids are clever haughty brats who know to much about everything. They bum their music, they bum their vintage clothing and they bum polotics, art, theyre oher ultra cool indie friends.

Avoid them, unless your ready to be ripped to mental shreds for liking beyonce.
Occaisonoly you get nice shy inide kids. But they are generally very sarcastic and witty along with it.

Regular Kid: Hey, have you heard the new Beyoncé song? Is prety wild isnt it?

Indie Kid: *whilst sipping heir starbucks frappacino and looking at you over their hick indie geek specs* Oh my god, you like Beyoncé! She's so manufactured. Her music isn' wholesome or straight from the soul. Fuck off, go listen to some Gang of Four or The Shop Assistants.

Reghular Kid: Ok

Indie Kids: On second thought.. DONT! Theyre way to good for you!
*Swans on past you on they're topshop shoes and in theyre vintage outfit to go and watch a clockwork orange and have a hardcore discussion about polotics with theyre other indie friends. Before hiting Bethnal Greens hottest indie club to get off with some oher indie kid*

by MrScenester-x- February 24, 2009

100👍 191👎

Indie Kid

Self-righteous, green tea drinking dumbasses who incessantly try to "out-deep" each other by seeing who can put more Elliot Smith quotes on their myspaces and trying to pass it off as being original. They typically can't distinguish the difference between owning a guitar (typically acoustic) and being able to play one. Anyone else's taste in music is inferior to theirs especially if it doesn't have a reference to working out their causeless angst through cigarettes, coffee, and wearing stupid shoes. They're like paper cuts, no one likes them, but as foul as they are, no one cares enough about them to acknowledge them as anything important longer than about 22 seconds.

Chef's Mom: Oh lawdy, it's a succubus comin' to get mah baby!

Chef's Dad: Calm down the damn succubus and the potatoes a damn minute nahw, woman! Christmas, it's an indie kid!

Chef's Mom: Oh hang on, I'll go see if I have tree fiddy!

Chef's Dad: Dammit, woman, that's why the monstah keeps comin' back, 'cuz you keep giving him tree fiddy nahw!

by duderntooter December 22, 2008

29👍 48👎

Indie kid

An individual. They enjoy unmanufactured (independent) music involving decent song writing and creativity.

Hes an indie kid.. what an idiot

by Total Chav September 9, 2005

57👍 115👎

indy kids


Nick: "why are all our friends such indy kids?"

Brian: "ask ira!"

by the hangar September 3, 2008

6👍 7👎

Indie Kid

(n) Indie kids-come in many varieties but a few common traits about them are:
-tight pants
-unkept hair (usually a sanctuary for birds and miscellaneous indie items, in city areas rats are common)
-three or more pairs of vans slip-ons (very shitty appearance….with checkers)
-an extensive list of over two thousand songs that they have listened to once on their ipods
-striped sweaters or sweater vests
-striped sweaters for ipods
-share common like for songs utilizing 4 chords and a pentatonic scale solo(gay)
-an acoustic guitar(from target)
-tee shirts with bands you have never heard of and never will.
-snow caps in the dead of summer
-many have moderate to severe acne

Habitat: Their natural habitat is usually the local coffee shop/legion or v.f.w., which they habitually attend on weekends to watch obscure bands. Some indie kids actually watch the bands but most of them come to the shows to smoke in the parking lot with their friends and talk about other indie bands from Britain, also known as the U.K. (because we all know, the more British something is, the more AMAZING it is).

Everyday Life: Obscurity is really the basis of the entire culture. Chances are, if you have an indie friend, they are probably extreme long boarding in downtown Oswego, Illinois while listening to the Kaiser chiefs at this very moment

Diet: Everything an indie kid eats must be one of two things. Vegetarian or organic. Their meals include: tofu wraps
Turkey wraps
Lettuce wraps
Roast beef wraps
Ham and cheese wraps
Sprout and bean wraps
…………..Fuck it basically any wrap will do
overpriced obscure fruit smoothies(ex. Mango pomegranate)
Whole-wheat non-comformist purple red green and black chips
Tuna (without dolphin chunks in it)
Snapple brand drinks

Average Joe: dude, wanna go to the movies this weekend? The new oceans' movie is out, it looks bad ass.

Indie kid: nah dude, im heading to Colorado for the sundance movie festival, mainstream movies are trash, George Bush is brainwashing you…I’d much rather watch movies about lesbian cowboys eating pudding…and eat some organic lettuce wraps…*turns around and plays song on guitar with three chords*

Average Joe: fuckin weirdo…

by Chillaxers a.k.a. the crew September 22, 2007

30👍 62👎

indie kid

indie stands for independent and thats wots indie kids are they give a toss about people who cant accept them people say they try to act cool but everyone does anyway people say they have no taste in clothing either the people sayin this possibly wear emo clothes,sports wear for casual wear or the tacky pop diva look.

most people hate the indie kid they find it weird and different or they cant handle independence and freedom indies give.

by jake the indie kid February 19, 2009

7👍 10👎