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Also called a headbanger,is a fan of heavy metal and hard rock and hates most mainstream music. Begin a metalhead is not depended completely on their behaviour.
Usually wares/has:
*A band shirt
*Jeans that are or look ripped, dirty or old
*Leather or sleeveless denim jacket maybe with patches and badges on.
* Long hair

Wayne and Garth from Wayne's World are metalheads/headbanger as are Bill and Ted and Bevis and Butthead

by RedBurp August 2, 2006

26๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž


Loyal obsessors over the music genre of metal and it's several subgenres. They are often elitist assholes who hate any band that has more than 5 fans. Metalheads may also try to be noncomformists but usually do not succeed due to the fact that they end up blending in with all the other retarded metalheads in their cult. Metalheads enjoy cheesy corpse paint, butt rock, and sometimes, satan. They also enjoy pissing people off and saying "SLAYER!" at completely random and innoportune times because they think they are cool. They find all music besides metal inferior, and if you insult one of the bands they like, they will launch a personal attack at you. Essentially, metalheads think they are better than everyone else because their music has technical guitars, shitty vocals, double bass drumming, violence, satan, and anarchist themes. And black metal fans like to kill small animals.

Metalheads like to grow their hair out to feminine lengths and never wash it. They wear large clothing and graphic, black band tees. They never smile in pictures and headbang when they listen to music with headphones. For entertainment, they like to poke people in the emotional spots that hurt the most to feel satisfied about their lack of achievement in their metal obsessed lives. They often play weirdly shaped, ugly, angular black guitars with almost non-existant necks (see: BC Rich) through crappy solid state modeling amps like Line 6's. They also think that high output pickups are the only pickups that sound good. They shun larger quality guitar companies like Gibson and buy Schecters because they think Korean assembly line guitars somehow top American hand made models, for a lower price of course. When they encounter other guitar players who do not shred, they immediately decide that these players suck, even though their personal attempts at shredding sound like pure shit. Metalheads play guitar with distateful amounts of gain and too much treble.

1. Guy: "I don't really like Slayer."

2. Guy: "I like Children of Bodom."
Black Metal Fan: "You're retarded, that band SUCKS. THEY'RE SO MAINSTREAM!!!! How could you like a band whose records don't sound like they were recorded on a four-track!?!?"

3. Guy: "I like *insert mainstream rock band here*."
Metalhead: "They SUCK. They have too many fans! And they play powerchords!!11! OMG EW POWERCHORDS."

(Note: Even most metal bands use powerchords in their music. Sorry, you superior metalheads.)

4. Guy: "I'm feeling depressed."
Metalhead: "Go slit your wrists and die, you fucking pussy."

by Humbucker October 10, 2007

89๐Ÿ‘ 128๐Ÿ‘Ž


A metalhead is someone with a "if you don't like me, FUCK YOU" attitude. Someone who lives eats and breathes metal, someone whos passion revolves around metal, in my oppinion, the true definition of a metalhead, is someone who respects themselves, and others who live amongst them. We as metalheas have no boundaries, and will not obey to your plain society, we are who we choose, and no one person or any creature can controll us or our oppinions we live as people of our own free will, and that will, is metal. May it live forever.

One day, my english teacher asked me," Why did you paint your nails black?"
I respnded with,"Because I'm a fucking metalhead and we will never die."

(later that day I got a detention...)

by Netherchild May 4, 2010

10๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


A metalhead is a fan of Heavy, Speed, Doom, Thrash, Death and Black Metal and Grindcore as well as other related genres such as AOR, Hard FM, Hard Rock or Prog Rock. Sterotypically dumb and voilent this is mainly not true. Metalhead do not like mainsteam music (e.g. nu-metal, metalcore, Pop Metal, pop, urban...). Metalhead usally wears a black band t-shirt, blue or black jeans or camo trousers or shorts, a leather or denim jacket or vest with patches and badges, may have studed black leather arm bands and jewellry of a satanist nataur.

Metalhead bands:
Arch Enemy,
Black Sabbath,
Guns N' Roses,
Iron Maiden,
Led Zeppelin,

by RedBurp September 26, 2006

37๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž


Entry no. 5 in this was good, but you missed out some MAJOR bands! Erm... Motorhead, Judas Priest, to name a couple! I was born of metalheads, and i can handle my drink. I keep up wiv the folks, and they're fuckin BIKERS!!! Unlike the townies who get pissed on half a bottle of alco-pop! Any true metalhead should drink beer, beer and more beer, have an inhuman love for motorbikes and worship Black Sabbath. And be half deaf from the volume 11 music...! Oh, and here's a tip, please please please don't wear a brand-spanking squeaky new leather jacket until its worn in a bit, it makes you look like an extra for grease. Cheers.

The metalhead got so into headbanging to motorhead, he didn't notice his beer had spilt all over his jacket which already had beer and cum stains all over it. Oh well, better cover it up with another patch i suppose...!

by Altu mequera orcu March 27, 2005

38๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž


Stereotyped as:
-Listens to Metal(requirement, and mainly thrash)
-Doesn't give a crap
-Smokes a shitload of pot
-Drinks a crapload of beer
-Headbanging and moshing(common activities)
-Plays guitar anywhere possible
-has no manners what so ever
-Parties a lot
-in a band
-Big in the 80's
-likes sex

Black band tees
cammo shorts
dark khaki shorts
leather or denim jackets or vests with patches
long hair
ear,lip,nose eyebrow peircings
long wallet chains

Black Sabbath(ozzy osboune)
Black label society
God Forbid
ect. ect. ect.

Yo dude yesterday while me and joe were at that pantera concert and was high we hooked up with these 2 hot as fuck metalhead chicks . . . . .ummmm . . . . . . we boned 'em hard

by ACIDIC_LORD_OF_METAL March 11, 2006

37๐Ÿ‘ 56๐Ÿ‘Ž


Anyone who lives and breathes the genre of metal. Metalheads also hate the mainstream shit and get pissed off when someone says their tatse of music comes from the radio and MTV. Open minded metalheads love everything from the legendary Black Sabbath to the wave of nu metal that errupted in the 90s. And don't stereotype bout a metalhead's appearance either; we arn't all long haired people that get drunk on a regular basis. And we aren't all goths either. The whole point of being a metalhead is to let the music become part of your soul and to realise that nothing else in the world matters. Proper metalheads should be open minded about every last bit of metal and at least give it a try.

Awesome bands: Iced Earth, Iron Maiden, Megadeth, Slayer, Coal Chamber, Disturbed, System Of A Down and Static- X.

Oh and Korn isn't a bad band, but they're more rock than metal. This is why many metalheads don't like them probably.

by SystemSlayer March 18, 2006

47๐Ÿ‘ 74๐Ÿ‘Ž