Source Code


river has been triggered. get ready for one bad-ass fight secne.


by harrypotterdr.who2020 September 30, 2020

3πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž


Wild white girl who, when jumping hurdles, lands flawlessly into a somersault. Has an obsession with the moonlester moon and wears stockings. Snorts, burps and laughs atrociously.

She is such a miranda!

I know dude.

by timelinkthree April 3, 2015

11πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž


Miranda is a kindhearted girl. Miranda comes across as shy and stuck up but once you get to know her you will find out that is not true. Mirandas usually have blue eyes and red or blonde hair. They usually have two or three close friends instead of many friendships. Once you get her trust you never want to lose it because they tend to not forgive or forget that easily. Many think Miranda is a beautiful, sweet, and adorable person but she never seems to believe it. Don’t ever be rude to a Miranda because they remember every little thing and take it to heart. Over Miranda is a kind, passionate, sweet young woman.

Miranda is so kind and pretty. I love her so much

by Miranda C. June 10, 2018

7πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž


The MOST beautiful girl in the whole entire universe sent directly from God. She has the greatest laugh in the world and you could just listen to her voice as you fall asleep every single night. Being with her is so comforting and relaxing it is very disappointing when she has to leave and you find yourself wishing she never has too. She’s the type of girl that when you spend time with her it feels like a few seconds when it has actually been many hours. When you cuddle with her it’s the best and warmest feeling you could ever get and again don’t want to let go. Her voice and skills as a musician are amazing and knows how to do just about everything and especially play mask off on a recorder. Overall she is the best and if you have her as a girlfriend you could be considered the luckiest man on the planet and it’s recommended you never let go because I know I won’t be.

See my girlfriend Miranda over there?


She’s the best in the whole universe

by Etmul29 June 12, 2018

30πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


She's got strawberry blond hair, A nice body, and gorgeous blue eyes. She's often misunderstood. She's a very sweet girl, and you should be friends with her, but if your not friends with her your not cool. And if you are your just plain awesome.

JASON: dude!!! guess what?

JAKE: yeahhh dudE?
JASON: jennifer looks like a total miranda right now!!!

by YOURBEEEEEF August 13, 2009

78πŸ‘ 128πŸ‘Ž


a person who knocks out the windsheild with their forehead and pees her pants

wow that was totally miranda!

by kenzoe January 31, 2007

270πŸ‘ 457πŸ‘Ž


An asshole thot, disgusting...

Person 1: You know Miranda?

Person 2: Yeah she's gross

by TrueMan495 December 18, 2018

11πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž