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Ausstralian slang used as a sentence with no other words to comment on a situation person or object.

Bill: "that hot molly chick is coming to the pub tonight"
Bob: BEST!
WIFE: Bob honey, I'm making you steak dianne tonight.
Bob: BEST!
Bill: Man BOB! that's the worst fart i ever smelt.

by ShniG January 2, 2005

32πŸ‘ 51πŸ‘Ž

best best friend

Someone amazing, who is always there for you and who cares about you a whole lot. They are incredible and wonderful, and they are the best person in your life. They are the best. They are fun and nice and smart and witty and funny and interesting and astounding, and they bring so much happiness.

Emma is my best best friend.

by Lauren224 April 5, 2017

22πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

best best friend

what a guy calls his β€œgirl best friend” that he is so obviously in love with but for some reason can’t make up his mind about what to do, usually used after a failed relationship. The bond and feelings are still there but it just doesn’t work.

Michaela: β€œRaymond, what even are we? you say one thing and then act totally different.”
Raymond: β€œMichaela, you are my best best friend.”

by kellyhasabowl March 3, 2020



You're the best

by Blackholiebo September 3, 2019

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


James, obviously

*over text*
Person 1: You’re the best!
Person 2: No James, YOU’RE the best, it says it right here in the dictionary!

by shutupjames December 7, 2019

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Apparently, it's when you screw up so bad it kills you. See Dale Earnhardt.

Dude, Dale Earnhardt is the best!

by Ashley and Ryan February 27, 2005

23πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž


Lineage: simply the best -> best
Definition: Opposite of sux. (refer to sux)

"Upon spotting a drop-top benz rolling 4 Sandras (refer to Sandras), Joachim looked over to his homie and said, "Best."

by fubar July 28, 2003

17πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž