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payday fuck

When the Mrs knows your getting paid tommorrow so she throws a leg in the hope you'll throw her some coin.

The Mrs knew i was getting paid tommorrow so she gave me the old payday fuck then asked me for a crisp pineapple in the morning. Hadnt had sex since last payday.

by Mike Kahuna January 9, 2018


PAYDAY: 3, a term that is commonly used to warn and/or predict the flop and poor quality of a product, usually a piece of media, that is contained within a media franchise/product line. Specifically this is when referring to a possible third installment in the afformentioned media franchise/product line.

Common uses of this term are utilised when fantasizing, theorising, predicting, or just discussing the possibility of a third installment of a videogame franchise, usually large IP's that have laid dormant for extended periods of time.

1. When in relation to a possible third release, usually utilised in a warning tone;
"Bro, i wish they released TITANFALL 3! It's been so long since any content was even leaked!"

"Are you dumb? Respawn Entertainment is just gonna pull a PAYDAY: 3"

2. (Hypothetical scenario) When the term is utilised to predict, it will commonly appear something like this:
"man, did you see what Valve announced? Gabe Newell is gonna release Half-Life 3!"

"they are gonna pull a PAYDAY: 3 i swear to god why do i even try anymore"

by BallSmasher:) February 26, 2025

sore as a door on a whorehouse on a payday

This obviously refers to someone or something being overused and worn the fuck out.

Percy: "Man, look at these hands! They are calloused and bleeding from all of that yardwork!"
Samantha: " You let that shit get overgrown and it needed to be done. Stop acting like you're sore as a door on a whorehouse on a payday. Now fetch me some sweet tea!"

by von groovy July 12, 2024

payday Loan Store

Payday loans are a range of unsecured loans that can help you to join your business and help you find the right job to be a better customer than to offer a good guy and doesn't do anything to make a girl feel bad okay

Can you give me a payday Loan Store, I want to meet mohit raju.

by Nakkan-sahib July 13, 2021

payday clay

The candy bar Payday as a clay sculpture. Can also be a term to generally describe any sort of food clay sculpture.

"My weird aunt made me a payday clay for Christmas when I was a kid. I still keep that in my room as eccentric decoration."

by eatmyshortseatmyshortsnow October 6, 2020

payday loan

unlawful sexual intercourse or any other sexual penetration of the vagina, anus, or mouth of another person, with or without force, by a sex organ, other body part, or foreign object, without the consent of the victim.
statutory rape.
an act of plunder, violent seizure, or abuse; despoliation; violation:
the rape of the countryside.
Archaic. the act of seizing and carrying off by force.

my payday loan RAPED me.

by dr.derka August 13, 2015

Payday Loan

A loan that is basically required in order to afford all the DLC a game offers.

Derived from the ungodly amount of DLC and microtransactions in Payday The Heist/Payday 2.

"Hey man, how's that game going?"
"Not great, I had to take out a Payday loan. But I finally got the ULTIMATEDESTRUKOR9000 to beat that mission!"

by AsymmetricalTesical October 21, 2017