Maintains all of the same attributes as the regular fuck boy; however, is premium in looks, money, or swag game.
Additional Characteristics that promote premiumness:
- socks, jordan sandals, and basketball shorts
- sends many selfies because he loves looking at himself
- typically has more than one babymama but not required
- loves facetiming, again because he likes looking at his own face
- plays cat and mouse with every girl he meets
- only texts through snapchat
- goes on secret vacations and pretends he has mono
Susie: Joe just sent me another selfie on snap chat with the cartoon filter.
Jessica: What a premium fuckboy!
Just like normal FaceTime but with added sexual perks.
Yo I just got off that FaceTime premium grind with my gf!
A hoe which has a snapchat account attempting to sell nude pictures and videos, usually resulting in a scam.
I was just trying to get action from that premium-hoe, but she blocked me after I sent the money through cashapp.
This guy was better than sliced bread. He is a premium cunt
My mate Vito was a good man, you could say he was a premium cunt!
The supreme standard of penis that must be 1-3 inches long and 20 inches wide, while the tip must have indents and wig to make it look like Chuck Norris. Only then will you be a true owner of a premium penis. If you fit this category call this number (713) 868-6003 to be a fully fledged premium penis owner.
Chuck Norris' is the ultimate premium penis owner.
"hey, are you Panama Premium?"
"No, that's dumb lol"
A dumb and stupid shit created to make other ppl feel bad, bc they're not what society defines as "attractive", or you just don't have money.
"Are you Panama Premium?"
"No, that's dumb lol"