alias: raz, reza, razzle dazzle, rag, raga, ratza, aladdin, daddy, skinny mf
sugar daddy asf. hes so hot and sexy that he makes men gay. hes so hot and sexy he makes women gay too. he will magnum your opus ;)
like damn, y yall razas so hot?
ur such a raza, ur so hot.
hes so emo, he reminds me of raza.
damn theres a tooth pick, it looks just like raza!
sugar daddy asf. hes so hot and sexy that he makes men gay. hes so hot and sexy he makes women gay too. he will magnum your opus ;)
like damn, y yall razas so hot?
ur such a raza, ur so hot.
hes so emo, he reminds me of raza.
A Guy who chases down paigons on a bike wearing 95’s you dont want to start problems with him but want to keep around you because he will clap next mans head
Dont mess with raza He’ll leave Ya dad Toothless
Raza a person that is not very handsome but can still be very generous and very loyal he might have his ups and down but try’s to impress everyone
You see our boy take that punch and get back up? He's a chinga la raza!
a person who loves friends and shamoon ismail. the person is also gay and a snake when it comes to studies, he is also a dumbass who lives in his mom's basement.
oh man my humor is dead, hope it's not as bad as aman raza tho.
Murtaza Raza is most handsome , sexiest , intelligent , smartest and he is best in everything . when he love someone he love's them with all is heart and they can trust anyone easily , they are very rich and they become billionaire in future 100% , and they are very lucky whom MURTAZA RAZA love , they are very lucky who gets the love of MURTAZA RAZA , And he is the perfect match for any type of people but whom MURTAZA RAZA choose they love them blindly , loyally || Perfect match for MURTAZA RAZA is the person whose name start with letter R . MURTAZA RAZA get hurted everytime when they trust someone , MURTAZA RAZA is verg close to the god , At the end there life is not easy and no one can expect how MURTAZA RAZA can live there life but in the end there life is very happy and all the wishes of MURTAZA RAZA came true.
Oh! So much hot is there ," is MURTAZA RAZA near us "