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Soy Boy

Like snowflake, liberal left, etc. Used by low IQ order-following cowards who will do literally anything for a paycheck (i.e. military, primarily US military) to try to insult male humans they may deem inferior. This is always a cover for their own inadequacies generally stemming from lack of consensual heterosexual intercourse, higher education and its associated evolved thinking of modern humans.

Herp, derp 'you're just a soy boy!' drools, drags knuckles on ground Bleach works against covid, which is really just a lizard Satan DNA conspiracy by the snowflake liberal left herp derp! Let's go attack civilians and try to usurp our nation's government herp derp so we can take back our country like Jesus intended herp derp!

by MethodRawTTV April 27, 2022

6๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

soy boy

a vibrator or other dildo. So-called because it's a meat substitute.,

Gf sez: "Let me have 20 minutes with the soy boy, then I'll be ready for you."

by jd909 August 5, 2009

91๐Ÿ‘ 671๐Ÿ‘Ž

Soy boy

Soy boy: noun: soy boy

A phrase used typically to describe men whom do not show typical things that make a man a man such as: Grilling, a nice moustache, stregth, rough housing, or anything along those lines
The phrase is typically referring to men whom lack these things and are typically feminist, or vegan. The term can also be related to men who smile with there mouth wider then a garage door, have a beard that is half a mile long, cry there ass off when Starbucks is out of caramel machiotto, and anything along those lines. While vegan soy boys really donโ€™t care because they are used to it, the feminist soy boys like to scream shame at the top of there lungs. Soy boys might also: cower at the presence of a real man, have testosterone levels lower then an old ass man in a wheel chair.

While this phrase is commonly (according to feminist) used by women hating right wing conservatives which is completely wrong. Soy boys usually deny their status and call you a soy boy. But as usual they are cuck fucks to the leftist party

Manly man โ€œWhy are you crying,โ€
Soyest of all boys โ€œst-Starbucks is out of caramel machiotto,โ€
Manly man โ€œ the fu-
Soyest of boys โ€œOMG are you criticizing me?!โ€
Manly man โ€œ what no,โ€
Manly man โ€œ(laughing) ha Soy boyโ€
Soyest of boys โ€œ omg you didnโ€™t just call me that you racist, bigot, xenophobic, transphobic, feminist hating man!?โ€
Manly man *walks away dying of laughter*

by An averageCallofDuty sweat April 19, 2019

25๐Ÿ‘ 155๐Ÿ‘Ž

Soy Boy

Mantis and my brother John. Although they're very much gay, both are still soy boys that plan to ride off to australia together. This doesn't just apply to them though. Technically, most soy boys aren't gay yet are also very pro-feminism. They dislike communist (one thing Mantis doesn't have in common with the common soy boy) and would totally marry the first girl they drunk fuck at a frat party that they didn't get invited too.

Me : John, you and your gay boyfriend are such soy boys. Worse than Carl Wheezer and his croissant loving-ass.
John : lol nah fam no homo bro
Mantis : lmao k

by bigkittytiddies August 19, 2018

6๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

Soy boy

Sika deer hunter, non ppe wearing, Harley Davidson owner, bearded dodge owner the one and yes the only Steve koontz the founder and creator of the Soy Boy Nation

Your a soy boy.

by Steve koontz October 24, 2018

3๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Soy Boy

A loser named Alex Howell, who is in the Facebook group called โ€œLet people hate thingsโ€. He complains about feminist as if even they would be interested in them. Gassed up girls who wouldnโ€™t even look at him twice. Likes to white knight for women out of his league. Thinks heโ€™s original. Swells in his motherโ€™s basement and is most likely a mouth breather.

Alex Howell is the post child for Soy Boy

by LadyLuger December 15, 2017

53๐Ÿ‘ 414๐Ÿ‘Ž

Soy boy

A useless, attention addict, male that loves Nintendo products. Someone who uses attention as his dopamine. Someone who is gay, liberal, pussy or alt-righter.
Consumes soy milk. A virgin, and a person who has an urgency to fuck a dude.
A type of person that defends Nintendo games and wants attention from Alpha Males, but does not manifest it.
Soy boys are usually in groups of other soy boys, and just listen to other soy boys.

A useless male who needs Nintendo products, and wants attention.

Normal person: The new Smash Bros Trailer looks awful!
Soy Boy: Shut up, you don't know what you are talking about, NINTENDO 4 LIFE!

by FkSoyBoys June 15, 2018

12๐Ÿ‘ 79๐Ÿ‘Ž