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"My Life Is Twilight" is a site where over obsessed people come to be normal. But truth is, you are not normal. And who would make out with their dog anyways?

"My Life Is Twilight is the most stupid site ever. I'd rather visit My Life Is Average because I like Harry Potter wayyyyy better."

by lubylol April 10, 2010

170๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž


A book that is mostly worshiped by fangirls, hated by Harry Potter lovers, and ignored by others. Twilight has sometimes been read by said other people, but they usually don't obsess. Twilight also has a small percentage of fans that are also Harry Potter lovers.
Twilight is a very addictive book, so anyone who read the first book will read through all of them. When they finish them, they will either become an obsessive fangirl, or realize the books aren't as great as you thought they were when you were reading it. In the latter case, these people either start bashing Twilight (usually comparing it to many other vampire books, or Harry Potter) or they just get annoyed by the fangirls, but shut up about it.
The most used attack against the book is "VAMPIRES DON'T SPARKLE" because the author was naive enough to not bother with the research and made the stupid mistake of saying that they do.
The characters in this book are stereotypes:
-the caring mother
-the leader
-the blonde bitch
-the girl who would never pass up an invite to the mall
-the weird, kinda creepy kid
-the strong brute
-the girl pretending to be Mary-Sue's best friend, but really she's just jealous because Mary-Sue ends up with Gary-Stu
The book itself is also one grand cliche, filled with smaller little cliches. I won't list them all because there's already a definition with them, and because it would take a long time.

OMG!! EdWaRd CuLlEn IS SOOOOO HOT!!! i H8 BELLA SWAN shes a lucky bitch!! TwIlIgHt 4evah! TeAm EdWaRd cos hes soo hAwT!
Harry Potter lover:
Read a real book looser, Twilight sucks.
Even thought I really couldn't care less about this debate, I find your fighting quite entertaining *laughs*

by LLEYA666 November 22, 2009

16๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Something that excites the youth of today and well, pisses the population of the world who has a decent taste in movies off. Me for example.

Twilight is what ruined vampires for the world by getting them confused with another fictional character; Faeries. Look at the comparison;


-Doesn't drink blood
-Fictional character
-Tries to help humans (Fails miserably)

-Doesn't drink blood
-Tries to help humans

Or you could compare Edward to being a cupcake or not, I don't want to ruin cupcakes for the world.

As for Bella, who could create such a dry and useless character who has zero personality but has enough life in her to fawn over a fake vampire; well you have to congratulate the author on that at least.

Not as if the world overlooks that; they do.

Why would the world love Edward anyway when there are much cooler vampires out there that have much more personality, fit and also make you want to watch the movie,



I suppose twilight may give hope to young writers out there, if this crap can be published, become popular and also get a movie made about it then it gives hope to all the budding writers out there who can't write for toffee but hey write about sparkly vampires and you got a hit!

Twilight is crap people....

Friend 1: Lets go see "Twilight"!

Friend 2: Okay....

Halfway through the movie....

Friend 1: It's so beautiful..

Friend 2: *asleep*

by Miss anonymous ranter March 15, 2010

16๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


No plot what so ever. I am a teenage girl and I think this book is stupid. You can't compare it to Harry Potter, which is actual literature. Anyone who obsesses over this book is insane. Meyer has written better (ex. The Host). If you are considering reading this series, don't do it. I don't care if everyone else is, it's idiotic. Only read it to rightfully complain about it. Bella's plain and boring. There's way too many cliches. You like romance? Go find some Jane Austin.

OMG! Twilight is so amazing!!!
Have you read The Host?
Go read it.
*later in time*
Did you finally read The Host?
Yes and it was so much better than Twilight!
Exactly because Meyer took the time to write and it actually has a plot.

by janebtrox February 3, 2010

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A series of books written by Stephanie Meyer that are so bad, so poorly written, so unoriginal and so banal that reading them actually destroys eyesight, and is argued by some contemporary philosophers as proof that God doesn't exist.

Intelligent person #1: Bram Stoker is most likely spinning in his grave because of Twilight.

Intelligent person #2: Yeah, I bet Stephanie Meyer's parents are thinking she should have been a blowjob.

by BAMico December 4, 2009

16๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


A time between dawn and sunrise, and the time between sunset and dusk, usually when the sun is in between the sky and the horizon.
Then can usually be mistaken by a novel written by Stephenie Meyer that involves a high school girl who falls deeply in love with a beautiful boy who happens to be a vampire.

Idiot uno: Its twilight.

Idiot dos: Oh my God! The book?!

Idiot uno: No.

by 1992 infomercials April 15, 2009

32๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


Total bullshit. Piece of trash. Lame.

Whatever inside Twilight.

by Gotta hate Twilight someday March 9, 2009

358๐Ÿ‘ 109๐Ÿ‘Ž