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Simple Poetic Veteran

Poetic personification referring to a simple (regular) guy, a poetic being, and a proud military veteran used by Poet/Author Alvin L. Spencer, a disabled veteran of U.S. Army serving in Operation Iraqi Freedom.

he Simple Poetic Veteran poetry is raw and unfiltered.

by spen53 March 21, 2018

Veterans Stadium

A pile of rubble. That was before it was demolished, mind you.

Javy Lopez hit his record-breaking 41st home run as a catcher (in 2003) at Veterans Satdium. It is truly a shame that he couldn't have done it in more pleasant surroundings.

by Diggity Monkeez February 19, 2005

2👍 11👎

NCR Veteran Ranger

A form of NCR Troopers that are considered to be the best of the best. Legend has it they chew nails and spit napalm.

NCR Veteran Rangers are badass change my mind.

by JabWasHere March 11, 2021

8👍 1👎

Urban Veteran

An individual who has supplied more than 100 definitions to the urbandictionary.com site

Diego has earned the title of Urban Veteran

by Art Vandalay November 23, 2003

1👍 4👎

World Veteran’s Month

The month of November is the month to celebrate and appreciate our soldiers

Have you not heard? Its World Veteran’s Month.

by Hasbulla June 24, 2021

Veteran Mercy main

A mercy main who got tired of Jeff’s bullshits and the nerfs

jeff nerfed overwatch again, all the veteran mercy mains just didnt give a shit anymore

by January 31, 2018

Swiftboat Veterans for Truth

An organization that sought to discredit Senator John Kerry's military service in Vietnam by claiming that he committed cowardly acts and that his medals were not deserved. This group was supposedly comprised of veterans who had served in Vietnam at the same time and on the same type of missions.

Actually a front group for Republican operatives aiming to discredit their opponent, Swiftboat Veterans for Truth suddenly appeared during the presidential race. Their attacks were effective despite Kerry's record of combat service versus his opponent's stint in the National Guard away from combat. Kerry lost his election bid and the Swiftboat group disappeared immediately after George W. Bush was reelected.

The verb "to swiftboat someone" has since entered the American political lexicon as a synonym for an ad hominem attack which seeks to discredit a person, usually made by a thinly veiled front group of operatives.

Where have the Swiftboat Veterans for Truth gone? Here they were, instantly organized and running ads on TV as if they were well financed by the Republican National Committee or something, and now they have disbanded and faded into nothing more than a verb used to describe bearing false witness and attempting to discredit a political opponent.

by el_che June 18, 2008

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