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Schrödinger's Vax

Schrodinger's Vax describes the state of workplace limbo in which one's Covid vaccination status has not been explicitly stated, and although fully vaxxed or not, the employee is expected to behave in a manner consistent with the corporate policies of both states of being.

"Corporate's had Rick double-masking in the front office since January, but he's also the only one the bosses are making do those risky in-home consults."

"Weird double-standard. Think he's had his shots? He's had to have...right?"
"I guess, but maybe not really?... Can he be both?"
"Nah, gotta be one or the other, Schrödinger's Vax is just a thought experiment."

by QuickerMissus September 1, 2021


The movement adjacent to or intersecting with Q-anon, those similarly believing conspiracies that vaccines are bad, evil, or meant as a control-device by governments or other authorities to take away your freedom, rather than save yours and others' lives.

Aaron Rodgers is a celebrity spokesman for Anti-vax-anon.

by just1human February 23, 2022

vax lax

People who have been vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus and engage in risky behavior are exhibiting vax lax.

All those people at Lollapalooza? They all had vax lax.

by ElCommissioner August 20, 2021

anti vax

anti vax was the first australian woman in space. she won the noble prize for being the most ultimate girlboss.

“anti vax’s spirit lives on”

by Arianagrandemother1 March 11, 2022