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A person who realizes that eating animal products and by products is not ok.Knows that everyone isnt vegan and accepts that.This person usually also realizes that billions of rabbits,mice,insects, and other animals are killed in grain processing,and resents that,but does not understand how people who eat grains AND animal products can say this because these things are equally cruel.Has less percentage of getting various cancers than meat eaters and vegetarians.Contrary to popular belief, actually cares about other people and their ideas because everyone has the right to express their feelings for or against veganism.

Dude: Hey want this well done steak?

Vegan: Nah, I'm vegan.

Dude: Wow, how do you survive? I mean doesnt milk have protein and stuff?

Vegan: Yup, but soy milk has the same amount and less fat and I can take supplements if I feel like I'm not getting my vitamins.

Dude:Oh ok, I've never had anyone explain it to me that way, I guess vegans arent that bad after all.

Vegan:Aww thanks, can you pass the peas?

by *bunny;] January 16, 2008

104๐Ÿ‘ 153๐Ÿ‘Ž


One who clings to an absurd, phoney "ethic" that is wholly unsupported.

"Vegans" are, almost without exception, juvenile, whiny, soppy, clueless urbanites. They ALWAYS start by claiming to live a "cruelty-free" lifestyle, until the horrible flaw in their own claim is pointed out to them; namely, that tens of thousands of animals are killed in producing the supermarket veggies they happily shovel into their big, fat, gaping pie-holes.

"Vegans" then ALWAYS retreat to claiming they somehow cause "less harm" than non-vegans. This is also unsupportable; someone who buys a half of a grass-fed beef (many, many meals for one death) is certainly causing "less harm" than a whiny, drippy "vegan" shoveling supermarket rice into their cake-hole (many deaths for one meal.)

"Veganism" is sanctimonious self-righteousness parading as an "ethic;" the "ethical" claims of "vegans" are recognized as false by anyone with more than three active brain cells. "Vegans" follow no moral principle; only a cheap, easy, and stupid rule: "Don't put animal parts in your mouth."

The animals killed by "vegans" matter to them not at all - NOT AT ALL - as long as they don't have to see the carcasses.

Ingrid Newkirk, famous moron and supporter of terrorists.

by Signedupman June 29, 2005

139๐Ÿ‘ 218๐Ÿ‘Ž


A person who can't stand the fact that people eat meat(ignoring the fact that we've been eating meat since the begining of time!)these people are usualy self rightouse son's of bitche's, who will refuse too eat,wear,use any animal products.

They eat lots of grain, and in order to get this grain they must plow it, and in the process of plowing they kill hundreds of feild mice, rabbits, and other poor defenceless creatures all for grain, but when a cow is killed GOD help us all! A cow has been killed for the sake of feeding family's!!(oh snap! the agony!) Yep a quick painless death, and then they eat the meat too(the non vegans that is)...how dreadfull. But dont worry about the feild mice, Getiing plow'ed is a fun death.

vegan-"I'm a vegan, I dont eat meat"
person-"I havn't had a bannana in a month...."

by super awsome October 9, 2006

134๐Ÿ‘ 207๐Ÿ‘Ž


Ruthless murderer of fruits and vegetables.

Mike: Oh, hey Ja- Oh my God!!! What are you doing? What did that colony of peaceful All-Organic, Free-Range, Non-Pesticide-Covered Broccoli ever do to you? Vegan!

Jack: Die! Die!!!

by Broccoli_Are_People_Too October 27, 2010

64๐Ÿ‘ 94๐Ÿ‘Ž


a group of hipsters that slaughter fruit and vegetables

vegans dont eat animal products

by Ariliana July 4, 2012

54๐Ÿ‘ 78๐Ÿ‘Ž


Person who doesn't eat anything that a vegetarian won't, and also doesn't drink animals' breast milk or eat the result of chickens' periods. They don't use any animal products at all, including leather, fur and musk.

Vegans and vegetarians are the best.

by Crazy-sheep-girl July 27, 2006

102๐Ÿ‘ 151๐Ÿ‘Ž


A current cultural phenomenon.

Being a vegan is popular trend among the youth of today. These teens and young adults claim to not eat or use any animal products. What most of these trend following kids fail to realize is that many things they don't even know about contain animal products.

Many vegans like to hang out together and go get tattooed and pierced while listening to "hardcore" music and being "straight edge".

Most tattoo inks contain animal by-products.

Vegans will fade out as the next trend becomes popular.
There will be a great surge in the tattoo removal business.

Everyone I know is a vegan, so I became one too!

Awwwwww, we saved those cute cows! Ooooh, look at that leather jacket!

by xenobia April 25, 2004

146๐Ÿ‘ 232๐Ÿ‘Ž