A president of Russian Federation from 1999 - 2024 (written on 9.7.2020).
Believed by a large group of citizens (mostly senior) to be the savior of once corrupt and bandit operated country, he is praised as a kind and caring person who always listens to society's calls and tries his best to please everyone.
In reality though, he is nothing but a hypocritical self-centered mobster whose actions become understandable once you start paying attention to somewhere else but national television.
Everything he does is for the sake of statistics. He wants everyone to think he is a good president. His power - police and special forces, they keep citizens in fear of getting busted and tortured as they have no restrictions whatsoever. Telling them that they cannot do something is another reason for them to handcuff you and "teach you some manners". Everything told in a TV is often (by that I mean all the time) incorrect and is aimed for brainwashing naive social groups - elderly people, which are, unfortunately, the vast majority of a country.
His good friends at the political party of "United Russia" (Единая Россия) are as corrupt as this... "person".
(Sorry, I'm in too much depression and anger in order to continue, hopefully you get the idea of this text, I really appreciate you taking your time to read me rant, have a great day :) )
Granny1: "Vladimir Putin - our god!"
Granny2: "He's so handsome!"
Granny3: "I will vote for him at the election day, because... BECAUSE WHO ELSE!?"
Me: "But you're living in a poverty and he doesn't seem to really care..."
Them: "Shut up, you drug addict!" "You're too young to understand this, young man" "Did you hear that? That's western propaganda right there!"
Police Officer: "Your ID please"
99👍 141👎
An ugly fat bald headed crazy ass manwho gets 0 bitches and likes to threaten and attack random countries.
"Hey have you heard of Vladimir Putin?"
"Yeah! He's a bald headed ass freak who likes to attack random countries!"
137👍 132👎
My lazy ass friend. I fucking hate him so much. But, at the same time he is a guy that been around me since first grade. We've been friends ever since. Also, he loves World Of Tanks. (what a fucking dumbass)
his dick is non-existent
Wow, vladimirs radionovs didn't go out with us once again!!! I hate him
That jerk who lost to Ukraine and lied to his whole country.
Grand kid: So, remember ww3? What was it about?
me: Well, Vladimir Putin lost it and tried to cover up the covid fails by sneak attacking Ukraine to monopolise the energy supply route to Europe. What a jerk. Typical problem kid... negative attention is better than no attention right?
60👍 100👎
Synonym : Manchild with weapons
Vladimir Putins are dangerous and can throw their tantrums anywhen with weapons.
49👍 68👎
The 45th president of the United States.
Vladimir Putin has been elected as the president of the USA.
87👍 155👎