The "Universal Greeting" as used in Transformers: The Movie (original animated film 1986). Autobots Hot Rod and Kup are confronted by the Sharkticons, offering Energon as a sign of peace. Later in the movie, Hot Rod is confronted by the Junkions on the Planet of Junk, and does the same.
You: bah weep grana weep ninny bon. (Offer a handshake)
Stranger: bah weep grana weep ninny bon! (Returns handshake)
125๐ 5๐
A cock (penis) that has caught something off a dirty minge (vagina), which makes it then weep yellow or green stuff out of the end (japs eye)...
"Ewww im not going to suck that, you have a weeping cockend"
5๐ 11๐
having sex with a gymnast while she is hanging upside down on the uneven bars
Me and that babe from connecticut did the weeping willow on the uneven bars
9๐ 35๐
the act of 2 flaccid men that attempt to dock, forming a weeping willow
"" is my favorite person to do a weeping willow with
5๐ 15๐
It is when you send a myspace message to someone and when you go to the sent folder it will say that the person has " read" your message and did not reply back.
Me: UGH Jackie didnt reply back to my message!
Someone elese: Oh she read it and weep your message
21๐ 174๐
One who is begging for coitus so extreme, that excitement of the male reproductive system leads to a large whipping sensation being felt in the upper extremities of the receiving sexual playground.
Geoff: check out that broad, she's looking pretty down on her luck
Stan: a bit of weeping for the wet whipper will cure her problems
Geoff: locked and loaded
(Rhonda starts to weep)
19๐ 6๐