Source Code

Synthetic Biology

Synthetic biology technology is a social/environmental/biological experiment said to one day save the world…or destroy it. Although a formal definition of the science that goes into it is yet to be defined, it has something to do with writing DNA sequences using computer code and somehow printing it out for insertion into a hollowed-out host cell like E. coli—which will then self-replicate for mass production. And like rDNA technology, it is presented as a way of solving problems of capital like “oil shortages” and for making useful products like the bio-medicines that will one day extend our lives at a price. Others, however, think that synthetic biology is an attempt to “play God” and argue that creating and releasing new life forms may trigger unpredictable disasters since nature itself is unpredictable—and although these technologies have built-in “suicide genes,” they remain subject to evolution.

Features that highlight biotechnology/synthetic biology: Jurassic Park, I Am Legend, South Park's Dr. Alphonse Mephesto, Resident Evil, Rise of the Planet of the Apes....

by alfonsooooo86 January 18, 2012

Spiritual Biology

Spiritual biology, sometimes supernatural biology, esoteric biology and occult biology, is a field that seeks to unite spirituality with biology, it is characterized by advocate that all living beings actually have spirits/souls and there's an important influence of spirituality and of spiritual matters in the life of living beings. Futhermore, spiritual biology believes that spirits/souls can be biologically determined by living beings brains and there might have genes and traits that show that spirits/souls actually exist such as there's also genes and traits for consciousness as well. Spiritual biology also believes that spiritual and religious beliefs are biologically-spiritually determined such as being supernatural/mythical, otherkin, therian, LGBT and else are biologically-spiritually determined, also advocating concepts like extraphysical theory, deistology and dialectical spiritualism. Spiritual biology is also considered a field that unites spiritual sciences with biological sciences.

"Spiritual biology is really interesting, it might be useful to unite spiritual sciences with biological sciences, such as even show that dialectical spiritualism and extraphysical theory can also influence on living beings as well, but still, it's necessary the development of the field and improved studies with advanced technology on that."

by Full Monteirism March 30, 2021

AP Biology

A relatively easy class with lots of material to cover. If you are good at memorizing lots of facts, then you should get an A in the class and pass the exam in May. The best students get between A's and C's on their tests, while everybody else fails, even with the curve. The teacher will either suck and teach you right, or be pretty awesome and not know more about it than you do.

AP Student 1: What did you get on the last AP Biology test?
AP Student 2: I failed it...
AP Student 1: Oh, well I got 100% on it because of the curve.
AP Student 2: It was curved?

by Asian Nerd December 4, 2011

56👍 29👎

Biology Class

1.Tourturein the form of extreme pain and slowness. Often thought by completly overenthusiastic, and nerdy teachers.
2. An exuse for Scientists to have students sit in a class room and say they taught you something.
3. The presence of pure evil in the form of living organisms and pinheaded teachers.
4. See Chemistry , satan

1. Sam didnt study at all and got a 100, i studied for 5 weeks and got a 72!!
2. "The Cell wal....." Student interupts "Just shut the fuck up noone cares about biology"
3. "What do you have next?" "Latin. You?" "Biology Class..." "Dude that sucks even latin pwns Bio...thats sad."

by Scottie Williams October 6, 2005

58👍 33👎

honors biology

the hardest class know to man.

plaguing sophomore report cards.

dude: The JuCo rejected me!
dude 2: Holy Crap! community college rejected you? why?
dude: honors biology...
dude: Oh shit, ur screwed...sorry man.

by motoson March 27, 2007

55👍 31👎

AP Biology

A time consuming, yet easily memorized class that creates a lasting impression on the student. The class is filled with minutia and bio jokes. The AP Exam is laughably easy and is an insult to the intelligence of all AP Biology students.

AP Biology joke: "What came first? The ATP or oxidative phosphorylation?"

by Semplase November 14, 2006

320👍 255👎

Otherkin Biology

Otherkin Biology, also Otherkin Biologism, is the idea that there are biological causes for people become otherkin and therian, otherkin biology is derived from LGBT biology, that's the same thing but with LGBT. Otherkin biology advocates otherkin and therian behavior and consideration are more for a dysphoria and biologically determined than for mental illnesses. If proved correct, it might be a great step towards the recognition of otherkin and therian communities and rights, such as being proved that being otherkin or therian or even mythical/supernatural is the same thing as being a LGBT one according to LGBT biology.

"Otherkin Biology is a really amazing idea and hypothesis, futhermore, the studies on otherkin biology are still not well developed and they might take some years until be started. If proved right, being an otherkin or therian or even mythical/supernatural is more for a dysphoria and biologically determined than a purely mental illnesses, and it will show that even humans can have biological determined nonhuman traits and behavior."

by Full Monteirism March 30, 2021

4👍 2👎