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advanced cretinism

study and science of a people sociologically, grammatically, linguistically, and/or spiritually "challenged"; specializing on those who are out and out ignorant. ie; those not caring whether they are "smart", or even worse; those who are sure they are! (science of the not so fully developed brain!)

why do you like to speak like a fucking redneck john? -didn't you know? i mastered in advanced cretinism!! -oh, sorry!!

they say ignorance is bliss, and truth is pain, in my studies of advanced cretinism, many would scoff at this notion.

one of my books on advanced cretinism has been NOT PUBLISHED!!

by michael foolsley February 8, 2010

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Cretin Detectives

A syndicate of special agents trained in the art of discovering what is known in the trade as "cretin on cretin love". This is when 2 (or more) lowly delinquents form a relationship based on deceit, only to be discovered and uncovered by the Cretin Detectives. After this relationship is unearthed the detectives are then obliged to bring this matter to the attention of anyone who will listen, causing unknown harm and humiliation to one or more of the Cretins.
Ways in which this can be done:
* Large posters in in highly populated areas.
* Telling family members anonymously.
* Flyer campaigns within large events such as fun fairs and children's game shows.
* Bringing to the attention of your flat mates a carefully placed mirror under a door.
... This will result in maximum circulation.

2 (or more) lowly delinquents form a relationship based on the premise that one of them will become bi-sexual and the other in order to hide this will have sexual relations with anyone that looks their way (or not), this includes: driving instructors; ex-boyfriends; ex-boyfriends of best friends; ex friends of boyfriends; friends from the past; friends from the present; and strangers who are friends you haven't met yet.
Eg. "Omgosh, those guys were so caught out by the cretin detectives!"

by Jude Clipsom and Katie Halstead June 19, 2008

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A Latinised-sounding high-brow word for a dumb-arsed dumb-bunny, usually being one with incipient learning difficulties, who thus is going to spend half his life in a mental funk because he can do nothing right and the other half tormented by the question of why he can do nothing right, and so, in the evolutionary stakes, is in fact a born loser.

I suppose that in describing your behaviour youโ€™d have to be called a cretinous-cretinalias, if only because you look so confoundedly like a classic one.

by Zamboozee April 11, 2011

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sex cretin

A complete virgin who would have sex over absolutely anything else in the world.

"I really want to bum the midget"

"You are such a sex cretin"

by TheVirginSmacker November 19, 2019

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Cretin-Derham Hall

An elite private school in St. Paul MN. It is hard to get into, and even harder to graduate with a 3.5 or higher. Amazing sports, hot girls, and a lot of prep. The only negative is the uniforms. Often called CDH. Rival teams are Eden Prarie, Edina, and Mounds View.

I wish I could have gotten into Cretin-Derham Hall, but I get bad grades so I go to DeLaSalle.

Wow, look at that girl! She must go to Cretin-Derham Hall.

by 2013HollaAlways July 31, 2011

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cretin needs a beating

it's another 'rhyme-paced meter' way to say that somebody is 'cruising for a bruising'. In other words, somebody is being a stupid asshole and deserves to be put back in his or her PLACE! That moron is just asking for trouble.

1. Yesterday at the Memorial Day ceremony in Arlington Cemetery Donald Traitortrump gave a long-winded pompous ass speech promoting and gloating about HIMSELF - yes, AGAIN! He has pissed off a lot of people - AGAIN - including many military veterans because everything he talked about (and tweeted) was, as always about 'ME ME ME'. That cretin needs a beating because he's a dirty treasonous criminal and he just don't know how to STFU!

2. Greg keeps on flicking bent staples at other students while sitting in the back of science class. He also throws paper wads and flicks boogers in class and when somebody turns around, he just gives a shit-eating grin. That cretin needs a beating and one of these days he will get one.

3. Somebody just like the above-mentioned Greg went on to become a Macbeth. He took over the Libyan nation and got his hands on dangerous hardware - bombs and rockets. He was a terror-monger. That cretin got his final beating for good in 2011. He was Moammar Qaddafy.

by I Saw U2 Live Twice May 29, 2018

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A phrase indicating who keeps using the term "cretin troll".

Hey everybody! The Doctor is the person who keeps saying "cretin troll"!


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