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crypt keeper

That dirty old pervert who sits the entrance of the stage to harass dancers

If that crypt keeper touches me again I am Gunna break off his bony finger and shove it up his ass.

by Ted monster March 7, 2015

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climbers keepers

When ownership is transferred from one who has lost an item, to one who has found an item. This item must be in a tree or other climbable area.

"I heard that you found a fur coat in a tree, and I believe that it belongs to a friend of mine, and i'd like to give it back to him." "Sorry, climbers keepers."

by marsneedstowels November 15, 2009

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(Noun) - A sexually-aggressive older woman (see "cougar and MILF"), now past the point of potential attractiveness/interest from her own potential conquests; usually identified by rail-thin body, over-exposing tight clothing, a cloud of expensive perfume (presumably to mask the odor of decay), tight facial skin that favors stretched plastic wrap, unblinking reptile-like eyes, and makeup that looks like it was applied by a Hollywood special-effects artist.

This reference is also due to the creature's innate horror-film-like ability to appear attractive from the rear, yet upon turning around they will immediately startle the other person; crypt-keepers are commonly known to be able to frighten small dogs and can cause babies to burst into tears.

"Whoa... she went from 'MILF' to 'cougar' to 'crypt-keeper' in a space of only three years!"

by GraysonoftheWood February 8, 2010

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time keeper

the friend who keeps track of all his drunk time traveling friends so as to tell them about it in the morning

John stayed sober so he could be the time keeper for his party buddys.

by Idk Sir charles May 17, 2011

Closet Keeper

Closet keeper is alternative way to tell someone that there spouse is gay

Honestly, you man shook my hand like a baby , stands,walks,talks leaves only one thing .. .. you do know that your man is a Closet Keeper. .

by Mrbigshtt August 8, 2016

Closet Keeper

Closet keeper is alternative way to tell someone that there spouse is gay & has not " Flamed On" Out of the Closet yet..

Honestly, you man shook my hand like a baby , stands,walks,talks leaves only one thing .. .. you do know that your man is a Closet Keeper. .

by Mrbigshtt August 8, 2016

peach keeper

An alternate word for pimp where the peaches are actually a prostitute's butt or vagina

I asked our local peach keeper for a discount on one of his girls, but he told me no! I wish I was a peach keeper.

by PeachKeeper November 13, 2016