not as crazy and tough as one professes or appears to be; anybody can call themselves a "bad ass," but you have to be able to back it up.
Joe couldn't walk his talk; he was phony tough and crazy brave.
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A person who by determination of social networks is privy to the fact you believe in GOD AND JESUS CHRIST they themselves are atheistic and make an off color spite based comment.
CHARLES THOMAS MUNGER formerly THE TOP EXECUTIVE in BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY says" "social status does not exist " in a YOU TUBE based video interview.
As knowing the fact this individual is suffering from gross indigency , a person leaving a restaurant who is well taken care of makes the most predictable PHONY RELIGIOUS FAITHLESD COMMENT , " PRAY " and that individual being ANAL ALAN answer , " PRAY only exists , if you you self are generous as did it matter a PREY MENACE saved your LIFE in a natural disaster or would you have rather died knowing that fact they were that themselves that kind of low LIFE humanity.
All these ZOMBIE ASSHOLES are running around making PHONY RELIGIOUS FAITHLESS COMMENTS to supposed , " people who in their humble opinion are low life's I SCUM for their human transgressions.
A female who lies about anything and everything. A female who portrays herself to be something she isn't.
Let me explain something about her to you. She is a Phony Fake Bitch (P.F.B.). You can tell she has her master's degree in being a P.F.B.
The Phony War was an six month period during World War II where no land, sky or sea operations between both Allied and German militaries were undertaken on the Western Front after the German conquest of Poland on September 1st.
However, after the Germans had invaded Denmark and Norway, the Phony War came to a close after certain major offenses and battles occurred on the Western Front and further up, the fall of France.
The Phony War could've meant that the militaries of France and Britain could have been preparing for the oncoming attack of the Germans, but apparently the French couldn't hold back the Germans since they didn't think they would invade through the dense forests underneath Belgium.
Germany - *Invades Poland*
Germans - "Why don't we just play a 6 month waiting game and then let the true battle commence?"
Allies - "Sure lol. We could call it a Phony War."
Germans - "It is so on, you guys are going to get destroyed."
Allies - "I don't think so."
When you think the ride will have a G-force as you’re about to drop on the rollercoaster but you end up not feeling any force or weightlessness at all.
Oh no! Here we go!
Wait, I didn’t pass out and this just feels fast. That was a G-phony roller coaster.
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When a gay man is extremely in to women once he has been drinking alcohol.
Did you see Lance hitting on all those women when he was drunk?! His husband would be pissed! That guy is such an I heart baloney phony!
A phone is someone that’s always on the phone rather than having human interactions. They will sit in a group and text each other instead of just talking. They’ll raise there head and look at someone right after they received a text and laugh then start texting back.
I seen Kyle at the party but he sat on the couch being a phonie all night.