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The only group of people that believes everbody having guns to be safer than nobody having guns.

I was like, "Why does this guy buy a gun for his daughters 10th birthday?", but then I realized he was republican.

by rabarberbarbara January 26, 2016

245πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž


A piece of shit person that have anger issues if people don’t think the same way as them

Me *types a no❀️ Comment on a trumpa lompas post

Republican: I could bash my head with a hammer 60 times and look better than you

by Republicans are trash July 22, 2020

211πŸ‘ 37πŸ‘Ž


Simply put: A selfish 'person' that doesn't care about OUR(and I say OUR because all living things share it) environment,and therefore OUR planet, or the suffering of other human beings inhabiting the world, since their actions affect not only Americans, but also others on Earth, including those innocent people diyng in Iraq, and those millions of people, plants, and animals afflicted by their lack of concern for the environment.

Republicans are odious people, human sc*m.

by diana in the mist June 2, 2006

1340πŸ‘ 266πŸ‘Ž


1) Somebody who's never been unemployed (or else is so rich that they've never needed a job.) Someone who's never been without health insurance.

2) Someone who's so sanctimonious and prissy that they'll never get laid - so he/she is against sex, contraceptives, and abortion.

3) Someone who's an unpopular loser who never had a day of fun in his/her life, unless it was bullying other people. So he/she is against anything fun (drugs, sex, rock 'n' roll.)

4) Someone who buys a big, expensive house in a fancy neighborhood, and then whines about paying high taxes.

I'm not independently wealthy, and I have a sex life - so I can't afford to be a Republican.

by Anonymous October 6, 2003

1071πŸ‘ 213πŸ‘Ž


denotes people who are arrogant, cold blooded, money worshiping, racists, intolerant, liars, ignorant and the list goes on infinitely.

Republicans epitomize absurdity and contradiction; consider themselves as devout christians but support capital punishment and war. (one of the commandments "Thou shall not kill" suddenly vanishes from their memory. Could be due to their brains size of a booger). Shout "communists" especially when they cannot refute the truth.

by birchman October 24, 2011

815πŸ‘ 160πŸ‘Ž


People that don’t care about the poor.They scream β€œWORK HARD” at welfare recipients without knowing if they tried.They will happily give a welfare check to corporations, though.(Some/most Democrats are like this, I’m looking at you, corporate democrats)

Oh look, A republican screaming at a homeless person

by Nauratoga February 6, 2019

182πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž


A Republican is stupid, they say that Democrats are evil when in reality, it's the other way around. The democratic and Republican party have switched morales in the past few decades, sure Democrates were pro slavery, but if slavery were around now, Republicans would be pro slavery, and if you don't believe me look it up yourself.

You see that idiot hillbilly over there with the big red truck? He is a Republican

by Skinnyfreakinthesheets May 31, 2018

175πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž