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Rib Tits

Tits that fall to bottom of rib cage (i.e Ella)

Did you see rib tits on that Ella - BOAK

by Hoopythehound May 31, 2013

Rib Boubonne

A modern slang term coined in Essex. Appearing French in origin it is actually a witty play on the words "rib, "boob" and "on".

1. When the breast of a slim (to thin) girl rests on a hint of rib.
2. Also pronounced (when misunderstood); Boob-on-rib;
When a slim girl has an attractive contrast between the breast and the ribcage.

"Thanks for the bill, and might I mention, that is some fine rib boubonne you have."

"I live for rib boubonne."

by Alex S. J. Cox July 20, 2008

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Rib Pillows

Large succulent ripe luscious breasts.

Did you see the set of rib pillows on Jen?? How does she even fit those things in a bra?

by Jake Doodle February 24, 2012

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rib tickler

Used in the comedy Off Centre starring Sean Maguire. The telling of how funny a joke is.

Thats quite a rib tickler!

by stuey2805 April 3, 2005

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rib wank

a tit wank when a girl has no/small titties

hank'' i got a rib wank offa kerry last night''

by mr snipples May 8, 2008

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Rib the Baby

The act of masturbating after an incomplete sexual satisfaction session. In other words, masturbating after your lady stops pleasuring you right in the middle of the act.

Man 1: Dude my girlfriend just stopped blowing me halfway through!
Man 2: Whoa man what are you gonna do?
Man 1: Man, I'm gonna go Rib the Baby all over her pillowcase.

by Weaton Leemour November 20, 2008

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boneless ribs

Heresy,something that is never to be eaten,a product of the abominable sins of man,the most detestable and obsene offense to the beloved barbecue,a sickly and grotesque meal reserved for only the most miscearant and filthy scoundrels of human civilization.

In other words,it's ribs without the ribs.

Dude,what kinda sycophantic moefoe eats boneless ribs?

by Frosty Dice July 21, 2021

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