one of the only words in the English language that can form a grammatically complete, stand alone sentence.
a poop or a word o tell your friend that they are shit at something or shitty, the shit comes out of your asshole too and for example(you are shit at reading so you looked up this dictionary) or (you are shit at making jokes so you would have to put this in reddit)
gordon ramsy:"this taste like shit, how do you even cook this"
the guy:"so you have ate dog shit before"
acronym with same meaning as tgiaf. "Sorry honey, it's Thursday"
Shit is the amount of fucks given when your wife who you already cheated on cheats on you. Oh, and also a dickbag.
Friend: "Hey, I heard your wife cheated on you."
You: "I don't give two shits." Aka, I don't give a FUCK that she cheated. "I cheated first."
Friend: "Wow you fucked up your own marriage you piece of shit"