Abbreviation for Space Launch System. NASA's new moon rocket for the Artemis program, set to bring humanity back to the moon in the 2020's.
Currently the most capable rocket in the world, until SpaceX's Starship launches. SLS is designed to bring the Orion capsule onto a TLI (Trans-Lunar-Injection) course. It was proposed in 2011, as a replacement for the cancelled Constellation program, intended to launch in 2016. It did launch, but only 6 years and $10B overbudget, and is often criticised for this. Nevertheless, it is extremely cool and I can't wait to see it launching crew.
Person: OMG SLS is fucking cool! When is the next launch???
SL ST is when you make a Slip Stitch in or during a crochet project.
To end this round, SL ST into the third stitch
Short for "Shit link, no click"; used when someone posts a link to something you can tell is a waste of time just by the link (like a youtube link) in a chat channel where there are no preview features.
18:36heffalump tilapiah exposed >> youtube link
18:36juliet sl;nc
A really stupid guy that keeps on constantly telling people to sub to him to reach 100k, and that he makes alot of jokes to hide how insecure he is
“I just wanna reach 100k man, im a piece of human poopoo”
- Sl!CE
1👍 1👎
The worst football club in Portugal, unable to win a game without the help of the Referee or VAR (Video Assistant Referee), but instead of penalties they ask for a red-card so they can win against 10 players on the opponent team.
Did you see the SL Pernica game yesterday?
Yes! Pernica always needs their red-card to win!
It’s mean her love your (dick).
Girl:O sl Kdor b thom nas!
Boy:Thank you o!!