A hoe that only goes for them fat greasy dudes
Yo emily is a tator thot...why, shes going out with Grey.
A governing body over Canada with the name Justin TRUDEAU, who primarily seeks to bankrupt Canada until total control of weak and poor Canadians is achieved. Telling sovereign Canadians that they are bigoted Nazis in hopes that other Canadian liberals will turn on the wise who seek to defend their very freedom. End the tyrany
Have you heard of Justin Trudeau's dip-tator-shit, yes he appears to be a dip shit dictator!
A group of Missouri gangstas who live an outta control lifestyle and are known for there i don't give a f*** attitude.
Team Tators is rollin' deep in this club tonight.
Someone whom you could give the best Caviar in a 18 carot bowl with the finest champagne from the Champane region in France in leaded cystal with a plater of fillet mignon on fine china served up on a silver platter and the bastard would still complain.
Waldo here just showed up from somewhere nobody ever heard of and he's out of gas,beer,smokes money so I fed him what I thought would please him and gave him a $20 bill he still made like a Comment Tator and complained like it's not good enough for him.
A drunk hillbilly who points out the most obvious things to persons who would rather wring his scrawny chicken neck then listen to his asinine comments about their day that has nothing to do with the Goober faced retarded redneck.
Goober says,"Sir your tire is flat". No kidding Goober you is that why I'm halfway in traffic fixing it? You should get a Job with Lars Larson being a Comment Tator. Why you would fit right in with that gang of Goons. They all as plain and tasteless a a potato burrito from Taco Bell TOO!