Often used as a code word for masturbating in the most enjoyable way possible.
Boy: I'm ready to have winky time later babe ;)
Girl: Yeah babe i love doing it to the sight of your hard cock ;)
I had to stop my kids watching tellytubbies because kinky winky subverted the show.
A ski lift of the 'Poma' (manufacturer) or 'Platter' type, consisting of a single pole/basket seat that you stick between your legs and pulls you up the track to the top of the ski hill. It 'grinds' your winkie (genitalia) if you are not careful or your ski pants are not thick enough. Not really true as I used to ride it at Paskapoo when I was a kid, and my winky survived. As proof, I have a daughter, Sarah, who came up with this definition when she was 7.
Dad, I'm so glad the winkie grinder is not running today.
An act when two males make a special promice together, very similar to the 'the pinky promice' but instead uses there willies to shake with... note should only be used for very close friends and is not way gay at all
man: yeah deffinatly gotta go do that
Man 2: yeah for sho Winky promise it!
Definition 1: The door you unlock with your winkie *wink,wink*
Definition 2: The organ near your heart that acts up whenever you do something extreme or when you are in a nervous situation.
Definition 3: A man amoung men who fights winkies.
Ex 1. I tried to unlock the winkiedoor with my winkie but my winkie broke off.
Ex 2. When I made myself a winkie torch my winkie door was going 1000 mph.
Ex 3. Right after work at the daycare center Chuck Norris is a winkie door.
Weiner, weenie, peepee, schlong.
That idiot over there has his winkie bird out.
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