A.K.A. Wade Gordon. A real dick if you ask me.
“Fuck you Dick Crystal!!!!!!”
the best big brother ever #bonerduo
crystal cdrmanti is my favorite person in the whole entire world
Danny and Crystal is also another term for meant to be
They are like danny and crystal
A tired bandwagon way for a crystal seller to get rid of all of their non-selling product and low grade material by mixing it all together and adding a few good looking items on top for visual effect. It's like a claw game but the claw just does the clawing so what's the point again?
Oh snap are those your new crystals? Yeah, but it's just crystal confetti so it's whatever.
procrastinate here. get off skyblock and do your fucking homework. also stop asking for pc and selling here.
Crystal Cafe is annoying
Phrase used to alert others that methamphetamine has accidentally been dropped on the ground, thus footsteps should be placed with great care.
Oh shit! Crystal alert. Get over here, carefully, and help me find the big piece.
Spectacular, fantastic, beautiful, intelligent, and not to mention every other beautifully inspirational word in the whole entire world. If you are this GENEROUS, GORGEOUSLY SPOKENs friend, you don't have to worry about it because if she's got it you got it. Proud Mary.
Crystal Dawn Is Equivalent To Elon Musk Or Even Betty White Keanu Reeves Or Mr Rogers!