A gesture of celebration between two people virtually. Most often initiated by the ✋emoji.
✋ Great job All Star, cyber high-five. Much love Awesome Co.
An extremely awesome Hotwheels car that uses the same engine as a Lamborghini Gallardo. If you have this car your a badass person
Yo dude i have a cyber speeder treasure hunt!
A game my friend won’t fucking shut up about
My friend won’t shut up about fucking cyber punk 2
a person who acts like a dick when talking on text or aim or facebook chat, but they are actually pretty nice in person.
aim conversation:
1stperson: heyy
cyberdick: hi
1stperson: whatsupp?
cyber dick: nm.
*THey go on vc*
cyberdick: heyy!!!
To punch someone technologically.
“I wish I could go through this screen and punch them but for now I’ll just cyber punch”
The way long distance cyber couples masturbate. One party holds controller with high vibration firmly on desired genitalia while opposing party shoots high powered rounds at opposing party.
The cyber-stranger Bottomless clips on Haven friendly fire off? - Sounds like a date!
Someone who drives a Tesla Cybertruck on public roads while wearing an Apple Vision Pro headset.
Have you seen that Utah guy driving his Cybertruck down the freeway while playing with the Apple headset? What a cyber cuck!