Eating children’s sized meals like Jordan Thomas Cooper said which was approved by Clinton Surgeon General Dr. Elders.
Cooper’s diet plan could cure obesity.
Eating children’s sized meals like Jordan Thomas Cooper said which was approved by Clinton Surgeon General Dr. Elders.
Cooper’s diet plan could cure obesity.
The act of losing weight while in a naturally or medically induced state of unconsciousness.
Damien lost weight while being on a Coma Diet from choking on his own puke.
Friend #1: Have you seen Damien since his coma diet?
Friend #2: He's looking good! I think he lost 40 lbs.
When you're so broke that all you can afford to eat is a $2 bag of chips.
Sorry bro I can't go out tonight. I just paid rent so I'm on an all chip diet.
a muffin with alcohol in the mix. Other variations include cupcakes.
We made Diet Brittanys so our parents wouldn't find out we were getting drunk.
Any Democrat who embraces conservative, neoconservative, neoliberal, or MAGA talking points.
Examples: Joe Biden (neoliberal hawk), Joe Manchin (votes for Republicans more than Democrats), Bill Maher, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Eric Swalwell (for wanting to deport Russian students), and RFK, Jr. (anti-vax, embraced by MAGA)
Kyrsten Sinema used to be a Diet Republican, but now, she left the Democrats and is on her way to being a full-fat Republican.
Someone who is a self-proclaimed "Libertarian" but holds socially conservative views, especially one who is resistant to being labelled "Conservative" or "Republican"
Mark: Ned calls himself a libertarian but he's against gay marriage and legalizing weed.
James: Sounds like he's just a Diet Republican.