An irrational way of thinking and problem solving generally used by neck bearded cellar dwellers with small penises.
Using your pencildick logic, "2+2 = 5 " and " it's not the size of the ship, but the motion of the lotion" are true and correct statements
A logic created by Eva M. Sullivan that she obligates everyone to know. Eva Logic is not valid in any sense and can lead to the downfall of many things. Eva Logic consists of 3 supporters while its biggest competition is Potato Logic/Luck which consists of 17 supporters.
"Eva logic helped me solve my problems in life!" - Said No One Ever...
also can be known as Robert Bryson Hall syndrome
Logic syndrome occurs when you mentally see yourself darker than you actually are because you’re member of certain race/ethnicity, like black/latinx, for example
Person 1: Hey why is Bobby using AAVE? Isn’t he white?
Person 2: oh nah he’s half-black he’s just a lightskin
Person 1: Oh! Must’ve gotten Logic syndrome or somethin’...
An bad or stupid idea that makes sense.
Person 1: “Let’s get close to the lit dynamite to put water on it so it doesn’t explode us!”
Person 2: “That’s logical stupidity.”
Gard logic is a type of fallacy in logic. It represents irrationality and or lack of logic whatsoever. Usually used in a musical context.
Rather than spending time focusing on warming up and listening to the ensemble for tuning, skip warming up to turn right away to an electronic tuner. This constitutes an example of Gard logic because neither the player nor the instrument has been "warmed" up, negating the effects of tuning.
Character in Wings of Fire: *dies horribly or gets brutally mutilated*
Tui T. Sutherland: "Recommended ages 8-12!"
Wings of Fire logic is weird.
In reference to:
If two people dislike broccoli and one of them has tried broccoli and one of them hasn't, who's opinion on broccoli is more valid?
Therefore, a man who has had sex with a man once before is less gay than a man who's never had sex with a man before.
Broccoli logic dictates I must fuck a member of the same sex at least once