Source Code

Gravity Check

Just checking gravity. Aka i just fell on my face and humiliated myself

Montie: *trips and falls*
Other People: *crack up*

Elliott: Gravity Check!!
Montie: Yeah, yeah guys just checking gravity....

by KanekiIsActuallyVeryAttractive April 17, 2015

4πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

zombie check

The zombie check is for when you wake up after a hard nights drinking and aren't sure if you are alive or not,

This simple test involves getting a shotgun and having your left leg blown off. If you didn't mind that much and are alive in 6 hours you pass the test and you have conclusive proof you are a zombie.

The test can be used on siblings and friends if you suspect at all that they may indeed be the walking dead.

This test does not make you very popular with the test subject, but hey, at least you know for sure!

"I thought I was a zombie so performed the test, turns out I was!! So I spend 4 months in rehab and haven't eaten brains since!"

"thanks to the zombie check i havent been attacked by a real zombie for months, now i can be certain!"

by hex_ten January 28, 2006

22πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

crazy check

Money from the Department of mental health that is given to those who are mentally handicapped, or 'crazy'.

Hey tard, did you get your crazy check this month.

by xzybit April 22, 2005

87πŸ‘ 75πŸ‘Ž

package check

n. You'd better do this when you're not sure if you ended up with a Benny Boy at the local meat shack in Bangkok.

Always do a package check even though you think there is no way that the chick with no adam's apple, no body hair, smooth cheek bones and nice hips, is a MAN.

by Andy Mack August 8, 2005

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Stimulus Check

Myth , something that does not exist. A unicorn of sorts. A way for the government to get your updated personal information under the false pretense of you getting something in return.

The IRS promised me a stimulus check but clearly lied.

by FormerIRSagent June 1, 2020

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fit check

if a girl sends you this, you’re in luck

fit check for today

by 69I69 September 15, 2021

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sack check

a phrase questioning one's manhood and/or ability or opportunity to complete a task improving one's "manhood status".

Similar to phrases like:
"Suck it up!"
"You suck!"
"Be a man!"

"I think I'm going to go to bed early tonight..."

by theDane55 May 9, 2008

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