A funny sounding expression based on mixing two different languages together, compared to crazy results that digital translation services usually give.
This is international "spoke joke" (google translator). Yes, you're right!
An extremely bad joke that should never be spoken. If you laugh you are pathetic and should be ashamed.
Person A: “Colman… more like COLDMAN!!!”
Person B: “Wow, that was the worst Gael joke I’ve heard in a while”
Person C: “Johnathan, did you just laugh at that? You’re in timeout!”
when you forget the word “inside joke” and NEED a better version x
A person who uses simple (knock knock type) humor instead of creating their own jokes or sarcasm.
My wife is such a Joke-ling that she forgets the punchline of her knock knock humor!
Noun; A statement that is hard to tell whether it’s a joke or not, and if you ask, you’ll end up feeling either guilty or stupid.
Example: “What if Springtrap was actually William Afton after he died in the Spring Bonnie suit?”
“You’ve just made Schrödinger’s Joke.”
Some resemblance of a joke that more often than not will not make sense. Often unrelated to the conversation, it is an attempt at humor that will miss the mark.
Hey guys Tom has lemur.
Group: What?
Tom has a lemur. Look at his eyes.
Group: Tom has lemur eyes?
As * a lemur. Like they have the same eyes. They are called black and blue eyed lemurs haha.
Group: umm alright. Guess that was a Josh Joke.